Lynn Leong


New Haven, CT

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
I live in New Haven CT. This is my first Corgi
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
I got Pippin from a breeder almost a year ago. She's been a darling to our family.
I have:

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  • Lori Odishoo

    Just wondering how Pippin is doing?  Any improvements yet?  It's weird never heard of dogs getting Meningitis and now this is the 2nd dog in 2 days that I've heard of coming down with this.
  • Jia

    Hi Lynn. My 10 month old puppy Luna has been diagnosed with meningitis recently and while doing some googling, I found your old post! Luna seems to show the exact same behaviour as Pippin she is very reluctant to walk and is not as playful as before. I was just wondering how Pippin is doing now and how long did it take for her to recover. It is so heartbreaking to see my Luna go through this at such a young age <\3
  • Jia

    Thanks Lynn. IT is great to hear that Pippin is doing well now :) 
    Luna's condition is not as severe, but when she first had it they thought it was pancreatitis because she lost her appetite and she was ok after given some painkillers. But after a day, she stopped eating again and didn't want to walk. It has been over a month since she's been diagnosed and she is doing well on the cortisone. However, we have noticed some behavioural change in her. She used to love children, but now she seems to be scared and nervous around them. She has also developed a habit of excessive barking. Just wanted to find out if you experienced any of these changes in Pippin and if it just takes time for them to return to normal.