Gus's Dad


Meridianville, AL

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
I'm a software engineer living in North Alabama. In addition to Corgis, I like photography, movies, flat water kayaking, scuba diving, and bike riding.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Gus is my first Corgi. His favorite things are running real fast, chewing, and being petted.
I have:

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  • Gayle Decker

    Hey there...I was just near Ft. Payne and bought a horse...and he is still at the trainers. We will have to go back up in about a month to pick him up. It's nice country up there. I live right at the top of Mobile Bay, on the Eastern Shore in Baldwin Co. I have Cody here in the picture, and then 2 more corgis on the farm near Summerdale. We also have a registered male corgi stud dog. We are looking for a registered sable and white female to add to the group. Nice to meet you on the page.
  • GoGoRainbow

    OMGOSH!! Gus' ears are so cute!! He must have sonar. I just love big ears ^_^
  • Pamela

    Thank you... I miss my baby girl so much. :(