


Profile Information:

About Me:
I'm interested in training and trialing dogs. Agility is my favorite. My previous dog passed away a few years ago and I'm on a waiting list for a PWC puppy.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
On a waiting list for an undocked PWC. Pups should be born around November if all goes well.
I have:
No corgi

Comment Wall:

  • WhiteDove

     photo corgipaws5template4.jpg
  • Rachael & Waffle

    Yes, $1.85 shipping to Canada too! I'm taking a hit in profit but it's too much work to make a different listing, hahaha.  Order 2 and it'll be all fine ;)  

    No, just kidding,1 is great too~ Gotta spread the Corgi love.

    (But seriously it's a good idea to have a spare.)

  • Rachael & Waffle

    Oh no!  How badly was it bent?  I can send you a new one if it ruined the artwork in any way. :U  (Just take a pic and I'll resend one.)  Even though your car is white, you can put it on the back windshield or something, unless you don't like window stickers. :)