

Randolph, MA

United States

Profile Information:

Roslindale, MA
About Me:
Puppy training for the second time now! Tired (again), but loving it. :)
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Baron Killian von Fuzzybottom is my cuddly, sensitive and brilliant red and white boy. He's a life of the party kind of dog but reserved and a total peace maker.

Viceroy Murphy the Merciful is the new pup and he is TOTALLY different. Walked into the house on day one like he owned the place and hasn't stopped barking since. UPDATE: He has stopped barking, but has instead moved to a constant licking approach.

It's already clear that these two guys will be good for each other once Murphy grows up a little.
I have:

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  • Jane Christensen

    They loved the PB2! I liked it and  you can make the consistency to what you want. They all got to lick the spoon:)
  • Keri&Merlin(Judy&Alan's Pups)

    Regarding boxer/corgi crossbreeding:was checking out AkC for info a couple of years ago.
    The pages came up thru Them.I'm sure google or any search engine will pull up the info.It was crazy seeing the 3-4 generations after it was implemented!!
  • WhiteDove

    Thank you. . .Peanut is adjusting very well. . . .