Katie and Yuki


Franklin, IN

United States

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About Me:
Im an avid Corgi lover and im so excited that I finally have my own bundle of love.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Yuki Yue Collabell is her full name. Yuki is Japanese for Snow, Yue is Chinese for Moon because she has a crescent moon on her neck, and Collabell because its nice. Yuki is a tri colored corgi. Shes a sweet little monster and shes much more behaved than I was expecting. Shes strange though in the sense that she absolutely loves staring out the window.
I have:

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  • Libby

    Nope but my boyfriend loves that show :) So we chose Kiba as his name. Oh, at PetsMart they updated the tag making machines and now you can choose from 4 (or 3.. I forget) different fonts. It's pretty neat!
    I think they do resemble them a lot too, I just don't like being argued with when I say he is a corgi, you know? Haha :)
  • Sunni A.

    Yeah it's strange but he seems to shed less than other corgis, what do you think?
  • Monica, Orion, and Laika

    Orion is getting his daily dose of cottage cheese and so far his ears only fell once, I taped them for the night and they went right back up in the morning and have been up since :) We always have foster kittens for my animal rescue group here so Orion and his cousin (an australian shepherd) like to herd them, haha! Its hilarious to watch