Lauren (Duke and Daisy's momma)

, Female


United States

Profile Information:

Houston, TX
About Me:
I live in Houston with my husband, our sweet Corgi Duke and our miniature pinshcer mix, Daisy.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Duke is the sweetest dog. He loves to cuddle on the couch, only barks when he's chasing your feet or Daisy, and loves his milkbones! His favorite toy is his toy newspaper that he loves to fetch.
He has black whiskers on his right cheek and white whiskers on his left cheek! And one very pinkish red paw. He loves to get dressed up and when you bring home a new outfit he can't wait to put it on and show off his new duds. His latest is a purple flying monkey for Halloween.

This is my first dog of my own and first Corgi and I don't know what I would do without him in our lives. He is a perfectly short and sassy family member and I am so thankful to be his mommy!

Daisy is a miniature pinscher mix. We rescued her in April 2008 from a shelter and she loves Duke. Duke is a great big brother and loves to run circles around the couch and tackle each other. After a short run around the house, Daisy love to give Duke kisses and everyone else. She is a jumpy, kissy face, "scratch my tummy!" pup. Daisy is very lovable, cuddly and sweet.

If you think dogs can't count, try putting three dog biscuits in your pocket and then give him only two of them. -Phil Pastoret
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  • Norma

    I grew up in Houston, but my husband was raised here. He went to Hichcock HS and then Alvin College. I know that he has a lot of family that lives here in Dickinson.

    So you are now in Humble, that is not too far either! Maybe we can all do a meet-up some time. There is another Corgi lover right down the street from us, in Manvel.

    Thank you for the nice comments that you left. I have not had an opportunity to make friends here in Dickinson yet, so my honey thought it a great way for Maizy and I to make friends. =0] Who would have known there were so many Corgi lovers around!
  • Sam Tsang

    Thank you Lauren!
  • JanRich

    Alright, an Aggie corgi! Penny loves the Aggies too since mom graduated from there. She and the cat share the Aggie guest bathroom.