Sandra Fiehler-Hall


Evansville, IN

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
I am a "domestic engineer". I have 2 boys and 4 dogs ( 2 are Corgis)
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
We have a male (Spyro) and a female (Penny). They are VERY spoiled (of course!). Spyro is the 1st Corgi we have ever owned and I can't express the joy he has given us. He is everything we have ever wanted in a pet. Penny is the "ruler of the roost"! We adopted her from the breeder we got Spyro from. They were going to breed her but she developed an over bite. We were happy to adopt her!! She fit in perfectly with all our dogs (we also have a dachshund and rat terrier).
I have:

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