Audine Crosten


Dunnellon, FL

United States

Profile Information:

Crystal River
About Me:
I am married to a wonderful man and we have two boys. I'm a vet tech at a wonderful animal hosp here in florida
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
I own one male corgi ( neutered) his birthdate is sept. 2 2009. His name is Bilbo from Lord of the Rings. He came to me from a local breeder called the corgi lady Lee English, when he was 9 wks old. He had a grade 2-3 heart murmur. Now luckily he has out grown it. He is an red head tri. I recently aquired a 2 1/2 yr old female corgi. Her name is Kippa. Kippa and Bilbo are a perfect pair, she keeps Bilbo in line and he is constantly giving her lots of wet kisses.
I have:

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  • Edward and Gemima


  • Kristin, Honey, and Hooch

    I just wanted to drop by and say that your Bilbo and Kippa are wonderful! I enjoyed looking through the pictures of them. :)
  • Carolyn Flynn

    I was at Lee's yesterday to see my so looking forward to bringing Clyde home first on or around 2-22 and Bonnie around 3-11.....Clyde is outside now and so playful and alert.  Baby Bonnie just so huggable....Clyde is out of Sporty and Bonnie out of Sable.  Sires are Harry Potter and Tucker, I think....Will get a photo on here but on Facebook on Roper Flynn's page are photos....Am so glad the heart murmur cleared and that is great sure you will see Clyde and Bonnie for their papers....I so appreciate how Lee breeds and socializes the pups.....her corgis are so cool to watch up there at her place.....many thanks for the note.....Carolyn