

Tampa, FL

United States

Profile Information:

Tampa, FL
About Me:
My husband and I like to take our corgi on long walks, weekend trips to the beach, and adventure on long road trips. Our corgi is precious to us because he's our little boy, a well mannered and loyal dog.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Our first encounter with corgis was in Crissy's Field, under the Golden Gate Bridge. After some research and deciding between westie, petit basset griffon vendeen, or corgi we finally decided on the pembroke.

We adopted Mac, a 5 yr old Pembroke from a local corgi rescue a year ago in 2008. He is the perfect dog - house broken, knows basic commands, leash trained, etc. He's very laid back and enjoys chasing squirrels. He loves everyone he meets, gets along with cats and other dogs. He hasn't quite understand the concept of fetching a ball yet. His best trick is after every walk, he would lay down on a towel then roll-over to have his paws and behind wiped :o)

If you're interesting in adopting a corgi, I'd be happy to share my experience with you.

The rescue places about 80 corgis a year, their website is as follow:
I have:

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  • Mike Wilson


    Thank you for your kind comments. I'm always pleased to hear that the dogs are doing well and are in great forever homes! Mac was a kind soul from day one and is truly a dog who lives in the moment and makes the most of the attention he gets. I'm happy to hear that he's continuing to lose weight, as we see so many corgis who have health issues which are related to their overweight issues. It's hard on corgi bones & joints, especially as they age.

    Thank you for the update and I wish you many happy years with Mac!

    -Mike Wilson
  • Jeanne Joslyn

    Thanks! That was a rental but we had so much fun I want to buy one. Do you have any suggestions on which kayak would be best for Corgi company? Great pictures of your Corgi BTW! The tux is adorable!
  • MagnoliaFly

    I purchased my pop-up crate from They have lots of portable crates that are really inexpensive and mine has lasted two years without issues so far. Sorry took so long for me to get back to you!