Danielle and Loki


Ridgefield, CT

United States

Profile Information:

Ridgefield, Connecticut
About Me:
Avid Pembroke Welsh Corgi lover since..... forever! Enough said!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
My first Corgi encounter was with my neighbour's dog Bambi. After that I had to have my own and her name was Ms. Honey Dijon - Honey for short. After Honey passed away at ten years old, it took me several years in between to even consider getting another dog. Finally I did - another Pembroke Welsh Corgi and his name is Loki Shuffle (AKA Puffin). He is now five years old and is the best friend I have ever had. I tell him every day that he is the best boy in the whole wide world and he believes it! Corgis are the best friends one could ever have!!!
I have:

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  • Heather and Ella

    Luckily Ella just has a little spot of pink, so it doesn't get red. I'm not sure about the sunscreen, something to find out.
  • Joanna, Rainy and Calvin

    I wish I did know of some get togethers. I think there used to be a big corgi picnic near Rochester NY but they've stopped. Maybe when I move into my new house, I should host one!! I'd probably steal all of the corgis though. And my neice saw some pictures of Loki and she says "He's cute!!" I am sure he probably knows it too!!
  • LOBO's page <3 //Arlyn & Teddy\\

    Hello again & u welcome, im really glad you enjoy it^^
    recently i added more pics of him, while he was playing with new friends he made at the dog's park. the past couple days in CT were so nice until now,its all rainy again hehe,well
    i hope Loki is doing good too. take care <3 see you around

    greetings from Lobo & Arlyn