Tracie & Emmy


Rochester, NY

United States

Profile Information:

Rochester, NY
About Me:
My name is Tracie and I live in Greece, NY.. a suburb of Rochester. My dog and I are members of the Rochester Small Dog Playgroup, and I am also on the Monroe County dog park committee. My corgi (Emmy) and I do agility at a local facility, and plan to start learning flyball in the near future.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Emmy is a "sweet clown". She loves to snuggle and is very attentive, which is her sweet side. Her other side is the goofy side. She loves to play, (FRAP), swim, run in the snow, and anything else she can come up with to make people laugh. She is extremely outgoing, and expects everyone to fall in love with her at first sight. She is also very smart and does well at obedience and agility - which we do just for fun.
I have:

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  • Raquel & Max

    Boom Towne does have a small dog playgroup - I haven't been to it yet. It costs something like $10 per visit so over the long term it isn't cheap, although they do have an annual membership I need to check out! I am also going to check out the Rochester Small Dog Playgroup. That sounds like fun. Max and I would love to do a play date sometime!
  • Viola & Mia

    Hi Tracie & Emmy,

    I LOVED your pictures and videos :)

    I was wondering if you keep in touch with Danielle_RN? I just found out that her corgi Kara is my Mia's sister from another litter :) but I noticed she hasn't visited the site since 2008... Would have loved to talk to her.
  • Jessie & Alwyn

    I thoroughly enjoyed looking through the photos of your Emmy. Such a strikingly beautiful girl. Alwyn say "baroooo" to her!!! ^,,^