Lucy's & Emma's Mom


Mitchell, SD

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
I'm Shannon, I enjoy playing with my animals!! I love traveling to new places and spending time with Aaron my hubby! We keep busy with our three dogs Lucy Emma and Maggie and a cats Dexter.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
All about LUCY!

Arrival Story:
On December 22, 2007 my daddy pick me up at a store parking lot (he was going to meet me there, since I lived out of town). I was a early Christmas gift for my mom. From there on we have been making memories.

I was born on October 3, 2007. My Grandpa named me Lucy and gave me the nickname Lucy-Low-rider. I had a near death experience on May17, 2007, when I ate a full bottle of baby aspirin. Thanks to my great vets I'm alive and kicking and have had no side effects. I live with my Mom, Dad, Sister Maggie (she is a springier spaniel), and Brother Dexter (cat). I love chewing on bones, digging holes, swimming, playing fetch and taking naps! I'm very easy going and enjoy my life to the fullest.

Hearing sounds that I dont know where they come from, it spooks me.

Scary Stuff:
I had a near death experience on May17, 2007, when I ate a full bottle of baby aspirin. Thanks to my great vets I'm alive and kicking and have had no side effects.

All About Our New Puppy Emma!

She was born on November 13, 2008. We got her from a farm in Letcher, SD. She has two other sisters...we were told she was a oops litter. She had pretty markings! I will up date more information later!

I have:
Both Pembroke and Cardigan

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  • Tauna and Kota

    Love your dogs!! They are adorable

    Now she is just sooo sweet. Enjoy!!!!
  • Robin Brummel

    Thanks!! I never loved a dog, like I do this one! The Best Pet!!