Lorie and Zoe


Hershey, PA

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
I've wanted a Pembroke corgi for years now! I finally found my little girl and brought her home about a month ago. Thought it would be fun to coorespond with others in who have corgis.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Welcomed Zoe into our house about 4 weeks ago. What a sweetheart! Now we just need to get the hang of potty training! :) The vet said that she is 'petite' so she'll be on the smaller side. He asked if she was the runt but since I rescued her from another family who didn't want her, I wasn't sure. She was born in July 2009 and is about four months old now. Love her!!!
I have:

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  • WhiteDove

    My Corgis and cats get along but must admit that Max and Babs have a special bond. . . .
  • Mary and Rosie

    Hi Lorie! Thanks for the friend invite. Zoe is sure cute, maybe she and Midnight will get along better as time goes by. It took Rosie about 4 months before she realized that the cats were not mini sheep that needed direction. =)
  • Paula Hess

    Hey Lorie! I am so sorry about the fact that I never check my corgi account. I am always on facebook. I am bad. You come by for as many Rhino fries as you want. I personaly couldn't eat another one. We have been quite busy with Wookie. He has been deamed as phsycho by a third level animal behaviorist in MD. It has been a mess with my new samoyed puppy and Wookie. The Wookster ripped the nostril clean off my puppy! The puppy is fine...he does have a missing nostril crook though. The new training for Wookie has been successful so far. Tomorrow I am going to see a Dog Whisperer seminar at the Penn State York Campus. I am excited! I wish I could take Wookie and have Cesar take him to the center. LOL. If you are ever in the area for fries, ask for me! I have had one other member of the mycorgi.com member look me up at Rockwell's. Oh, what a small world!