Courtney and Zoe


Tustin, CA

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
I'm a first-time corgi owner and never want to go back!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Zoe is sweet and sassy. She's very smart, learns quickly, and knows what she wants. She is a little clown and keeps us laughing with her antics like watching TV and creating new ways to entertain herself. Her favorite things include playing fetch,eating cookies,getting pets, and trying to steal people's food and/or alcohol.
I have:

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  • Krystle (Luna & Twinkie!)

    The girls and I are doing alright.  We had our first real incident - I don't know if you saw our blog post

    Luna just got her stitches out yesterday, but otherwise they are no different.  Luna has been hard at work being a therapy dog.  No real breaks for me at this point, but my schedule is going to change again come July, so we'll see what happens then.

  • Krystle (Luna & Twinkie!)

    Happy (early) 2nd Birthday to Zoe!

    Luna decided to escape our yard today... Thankfully I found her quite quickly.

  • Krystle (Luna & Twinkie!)

    She's a little explorer.... with too much curiosity.