Sara Williams


Orlando, FL

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
I love silly short legged dogs, owls, animation, kitty cats, Harry Potter, art of all kinds, graphic novels, tea, tattoos, The Beatles, and delicious vegetarian food.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
My first corgi was Faye, a lovely sable and white female Pembroke. She was born October 2003. After lots of research, reading, begging, pouting, and convincing, I received Faye as a gift for my 19th birthday. She was a pretty typical corgi (so obviously I was hooked). She would chase cats and her frisbee for hours. When Faye was diagnosed with cancer, I thought she would be too exhausted, but she insisted on playing frisbee; even when she went blind she would feel around for it and then run back for another throw. She died in December 2007, at only 4 years old.

I started looking for another corgi about a month after Faye died, but with no luck. Instead I adopted the most annoying thing at the shelter: A bouncing, barking, unwanted, unfriendly, one year old shedding machine with pointy ears and a curly tail. I named her Raina, but she answers mostly to Momo. Three years later I'm still not sure if this thing I adopted as an "American Eskimo dog" is more canine or alien, but I love her anyway. She loves carrots, wearing shirts, and pretending to hate her little brother, George.

George Harrison was born March 6, 2010 and came home with us at 10 weeks old. He is a red and white fluffy male Pembroke.
He loves playing "bitey-face" with Momo (my American Eskimo dog) and stealing slippers.
George knows how to roll over both ways, and shake with right and left paws. But his favorite trick is "tub"..he loves to jump into the tub whether there is water (or a person) in it or not. He has the best traits of Faye and more. He is the most cuddly dog I've ever had, which is absolutely obnoxious and wonderful at the same time.
I have:

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  • Tori

    George is so fuzzy! He has an adorable little face.
  • Cody

    What a cute baby!
  • Marcia & MoJo

    George is so adorable.  Baby fluffies, what's not to love.  MoJo is very precious to us, but right at the moment she is under my desk at work shredding a box.  Good thing the cleaning lady comes today!