Marcia & MoJo

Novinger, MO

United States

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About Me:
Just got a tri fluffy that we love. Have an old lab mix and a husky. All get along wonderful. I am a CPA and our corgi goes to the office every day. Clients expect to be greeted by a dog when they come in.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
She is a fluffy tricolor born 9/6/10.
I have:

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  • Nancy L Powers

    Marcia...all three of my corgis are walked without leashes in a neighborhood.  They absolutely know their boundaries, which were taught to them while on a leash.  In the neighborhood they are superstars...they stop at crosswalks until I say "go" then they charge directly across the street to the sidewalk.  They wander off only far enough to go potty, then come back to me.  There have been squirrels, rabbits, ducks and other dogs that have run across their path and into the street and the dogs stop on a dime before nearing the street.  Like I have to train them on the leash.  You have to set the boundaries and they have to be completely sure what those boundaries are before you give them any slack.  You slowly wean them from the leashes and you don't have to look back.  In the first month of this training you will have some setbacks...simply put them back on the leash and let them know you are the boss...This does consistent, firm tone when necessary, but always very positive and encouraging...lots of hugs and smiles at their success...they want to make you proud!
  • Kari & Quin

    I can't wait to see your photos as she grows:)
  • Angela Kau-Forsberg