Dena Davis


San Diego, CA

United States

Profile Information:

San Diego,CA
About Me:
I moved to the San Diego area May 2011 and I am looking to meet new people, espically small dog lovers.I love going to the beach and just hanging out..I am very easy going and just looking for some fun..
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
Website: Cuddles in action
About My Corgi(s):
My Corgi is 4 and has a very unique ball trick she does.She has performed in front of many cameras and people.I do believe she is the only Corgi that does this trick.Actually I believe she is the only animal that does this trick..She loves going to the beach and riding the waves..
I have:

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  • debra stanger

    Glad you are close to my age>>>>>because everything changes when you turn 50 LOL. I love playing with my Princess also. She thinks that is all I have to do.

    Tomorrow she goes to the groomer to get her bath and brush and Frontline. She will be happy that she looks so cute. Do you groom Bug or do you use a groomer?

  • WhiteDove

  • Wendt Worth Corgi's