
Profile Information:

About Me:
I have one tri and am about to get another one (lucky me!)
About My Corgi(s):
She's a two-year old rescue. I've had her for 6 months and just adore her.

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  • Niki

    I just love the coloring of your Corgi
  • K Hartshorn

    I asked my Husband if he had someone in the family named Elisabeth, (Hartshorn is my married name), he says not as far as he knows, but it is an uncommon name. Thanks for the commit about my cardis they seem to think that they are cute too. I was unable to stop with just one! Your girl is quite cute herself; I like the pic in the snow.
  • Anne

    Wow when I saw picture #4 I thought I was looking at my girl. I have a picture similar to that on my page. Was she fearful when you got her or does she just like tight spaces? We got Le-Le who is 2 just 5 months ago. She is settling into our life well and a sweet heart.