
Profile Information:

Baltimore, MD/Irvine, CA
About Me:
I'm a pharmacy student originally from California, but in Baltimore for school. I love dogs and especially Corgis now that I have one. I've only had a Yorkie before (passed down from my sister), so I have to say that Corgis are the best breed I have ever had.

I spend too much time on this website ><;;
About My Corgi(s):
Mei (pronounced May), was born August 1st, 2006. She was on sale at a petstore and I couldn't help but take her home. I mean...who puts a puppy for sale? And she was so scared looking...

Now she's wild and rambunctious. She'll bark at you if she has too much energy to burn and you're ignoring her. I try to walk her for at least a half hour a day, with an hour at the dog park as well. The best exercise she gets is at doggy day care. She never barks at home, but she'll bark all day long at day care.

She loves everyone though. There are no exceptions to this rule. She is one of the friendliest dogs you will ever meet.

Random facts:
-She likes to flip her water bowl (now she has a pot instead because she can't flip it)
-She likes digging into beds....and people....
-She doesn't know how long she is
-She tends to walk into things because she doesn't look where she's going

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  • Tyra Pululi

    hi mikonami,
    dono how but i ended up on a post and you were saying that u have become a pro concerning plane trips, i decide to write you coz i need some suggestions and maybe you could help me or give me some tips.
    It is the first time that she will get into a plane and i am not sure about what to do, she is very afraid of noises, i don't know if i have to give her pills or not, flight will be 3 hours 30 minutes and we will return in a week, I am a bit scared of giving her pills in that short amount of time, Is it dangerous for her?? what kind of pills should i give her???
    Thanks and looking forward to hear from you.
  • Tyra Pululi

    thanks a lot for your advice, you were quick enough, I will do exactly what you said, it is our first flight in the cargo area, And we were a bit scare about it. hope everything goes fine.

    Thanks again
  • Corgi Mak & Buster McFatty Bear

    Take a look at my Pembroke Welsh Corgi Buster's compendium of tricks all in a row!

