Liz & Remi


Milton, MA

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
Hey, I'm Liz! I'll be 17 in August and I'm part of a six-kid family. My life basically revolves around art, and I have to say that the Corgi is a much loved subject of mine in my drawings. In the future, I hope to go to art college and major in illustration/animation. I've loved dogs all my life, and discovered Corgis when I was watching a dog show a couple years ago. My family's always had German Shepherds, so our Remi is the first of hopefully many corgis to come.
About My Corgi(s):
Remi is our first Corgi. Pembroke to be exact and born January 2, 2008. Her fancy name is Lake Pointe Life's Little Remedies. She fits in well with our big family and gets lots of attention. She's always been a bit of a bossy little queen, but she can be very sweet and obedient. She's also obsessed with food and appears to only listen when she's being offered some. Remi is quite a little character and appears quite often in my sketchbook :-)

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  • Jenni & Dave Fields

    how do you know the breeder in NH?
  • Katelyn

    You're corgi is ADORABLE! You're art is WONDERFUL! I have a deviantart account too, so I commented on your wolf picture! It's cute! You did an amazing job! I like your art!
  • Katelyn

    Thank you, not a problem! I like art too, and yours is VERY good! ^_^