Does anybody else's Corgi play with kitty toys? My Charlie LOVES cat toys more than her own toys! She goes right into the basket and grabs mice and then runs around the house with them. Right now she's playing with this scratching toy with a ball that goes around in a circle, she loves it!

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Yes, but Atlas has the chewing strength of a bulldog and has ruined quite a few of my cat's toys when I've not been paying attention.
Yes! Anything we *had* with feathers is now destroyed. She also loves the little balls that have bells and stuff in them. When she runs with it in her mouth it makes a really amusing sound. She's also really fond of the crinkley toys that make that plastic crinkle sound. But her favorites are a catnip Arnold Schwarzenegger and a cat-sized mini Loofa dog. ^_^
Catnip is enjoyed by dogs as well as cats. My other dogs have picked up a cat toy or two from time to time, but, my corgi has a real facination with them. I grow catnip for my cats and when I pick it, the corgi is first in line to get his leaf. Two of my cats act like dogs so, why can't my corgi act like a cat?


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