Mary Ann Jones

Profile Information:

City of Brotherly Love
About Me:
It's all about the dogs! I have five Pems. I show two in competitive obedience, and also use them as certified therapy dogs at my local hospital.
About My Corgi(s):
Sweetie P Jones was our first Corgi and is now twelve years old. After having goldens, shepherds, shelties...she was a real education. Free feeding dogs became a thing of the past. When she stole the last Dunkin Donut from the bag stuffed far up on the dashboard, we started to realize the scope of her sweet tooth.
Honeyfox Paddington Jones CDX, RN, TDI, CGC is now ten. He's a talker. He's also incredibly athletic.
Larklain Sunnys Scampi Jones is my Princess Valium. If you ever need to calm yourself, petting her does the trick. She is nine.
Honeyfox Huckle Berry Jones CDX, TDI, CGC is my first tri, a red-headed one. His call name is actually Wilbur, named after the chocolates made in Lititz, PA. I am currently training him in Utility (obedience) and only HOPE it's not Futility. He is extremely willful and stubborn, and has been known to "give me the paw" when we're in the ring. One judge asked if I had gone out and killed him after his performance. You can sometimes hear my friends calling "Whoa, Wilburrrrrrrrrrr" when he purposely messes up (after looking at me cooly beforehand, of course). He's handsome. A real love boat. He is seven.
Miss Minnie Mouse Jones is our baby. She is another red-headed tri and is now five years old. She's in a cuddle cup, snoring, beside me as I write this.

Comment Wall:

  • Sam Tsang

    Hi Mary Ann Jones! Welcome to! Thanks for the compliment on my video. I Love your corgi intro stories! Upload their pics when you have time and invite your corgi friends to join us too!
  • Katelyn

    You are so lucky to have multiple corgi's!
  • Eva

    HI! thanks for the comment. id like to hear more about that program. Your Corgi is so adorable!
  • Florence Fong

    Hi Mary Ann,
    Your Corgis are so enchanting.
  • Mary Ann Jones

    Thanks Florence! They're all enchanting, though, aren't they? I was listening to my friend, who is a breeder, talking to someone on the phone yesterday as she said, "Oh there is NOTHING like a corgi. They are just a different kind of dog."
  • Melissa

    i think just click on the friend requests and click on accept...
  • Peanut and sarah

    what a cute face! how can you not fall in love with that!