Carolyn Rosner

66, Female


United States

Profile Information:

Florissant MO
About Me:
Maried to Bob for two wonderful years. Grandmother of 2 going on 3 babies. Still working as a nurse. Remodeling our home.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Decided to update a bit. We now have 3 Corgis. Toby is going on 9 , in good health. He loves to lay on the patio on good days and sun himself. Lola is also 8-9, our puppy mill girl is a sweety. She follows "Mommy" everywhere and is such a cuddler. We now have taken is my sons dog Shelby, 5 yrs old a our "comic relief". They all get along well and have such distinctive personlities. I swear from the corgi tumbleweeds we have a 4th one hiding somewhere!!! But they are very much loved and wanted in this forever home
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Carolyn Rosner

    Lola was our foster but we fell in love with her, and of course she now has her happy home. Lola had been a puppy mill dog. She is spoiled rotten now along with her brother Toby
  • Sam Tsang

    Hey Carolyn! Welcome to! I am amazed by the PSC STL Corgis group! You guys are awesome!
  • Linda Moore

    Is that Frosty Paws I see? Oh no! It will soon be time for a diet! ;-) You are going to need a few more rabbits for Lola to chase. Linda
  • WhiteDove

    Your daughter won't regret it. . . .Cloe is just too cute for words. . .and it's lots of fun to watch her play with her big brother and sister. . .Corgi's Rule!
  • Bill Gotthelf

    No we have wood floors throughout the house. Being a South Florida we also have ceiling fans. Get the picture when the corgi tumblewweds all gather on the sides of the rooms we vacum them up.:)
  • Carolyn Rosner

    We have tile floors. Sometimes with the fans going I feel like Pigpen" but instead of "dust" its corgi fuzz
  • Katelyn

    aww, cute corgi!
  • Carolyn Rosner

    I just watched Charlize Theron video on puppy mills and Im horrified. My sweet Lola was a victim of that abuse. Im so glad she was rescued and I can give her the loving home she deserves. She had 5 litters of pups and she is only 20 lbs. She was very ill when Pets Second Chance received her. Thanks so much to Corgi Aid for helping her recover and of course Linda who brought Lola ino my life.
  • Carolyn Rosner

    meet our new foster!
  • Florence Fong

    Hi again,
    you mentioned you have 2 Corgis: Toby & Lola. What about Ben? Is he yours too?
  • Stephanie & Lola

    Your family is adorable!!! My baby's name is Lola also :)