Lauren + Winston

35, Female

Columbus, Ohio

United States

Profile Information:


Columbus, Ohio
About Me:
I live in Columbus, Ohio with my boyfriend and my Winston!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Winston was born on May 6, 2007. I was searching corgis on the internet and came across a breeder that lives about an hour and a half away from me. I contacted her and in about a week I had my little Winny! I picked him on on July 26th and he's been such a joy in my life ever since. I've always wanted a dog but wasn't sure what kind, and I am so glad my boyfriend introduced me to corgis! Winston can be found doing a number of things. He loves to FRAP, sleep, fart, eat anything in sight, cuddle, sleep some more, chew on raw hides, consume Busy Bones, and be an adorable nuisance. There has not been one person that has come into contact with Winston that has not liked him... He's the best dog in the world! I cannot wait to add another corgi, this time adopted from a rescue, into my life.
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome Lauren! Winston is cute! Invite your corgi friends to join us too!
  • Silvia Li

    Welcome aboard Lauren! Winston is adorable! I especially like the way he sleeps (straight up)... mine never sleep like that... they only sleep sideway-up like the cupids.
  • Katelyn

    Your corgi is so cute! Looks alot like my pup!
  • Avyon

    lol thanks :) she loves doing the parrot dog thing.. sometimes she doesn't know where to go afterwards though and I hear from across the apartment "Where are you going dog?" come around the corner and she's hanging over my other half's shoulder looking lost lol
  • Corgi Mom

    Winston has such a cute bark! He's absolutely precious!
  • WhiteDove

    Welcome Lauren. . .Winston is adorable!!!
  • Paul Cobb

    I love the jacket Winston is wearing so proudly. From one Columbus, Ohio native to another.......GO BUCKEYES!!!!
  • Kristen

    Thanks for your comments Lauren. After looking at your page it looks like I could take a few lessons from you! Your Winston is adorable. Winston is one of the names we are considering for our new baby, but the list is long...
  • Paul Cobb

    Hi Lauren, Thank you for adding me and my Cyberfox as friends. It's funny as I am from Columbus, Ohio as well. I used to live at 509 Melrose Ave. off Indianola. I really miss the friendly people there. Paul
  • Paul Cobb

    Lauren, I moved from Columbus to the small town of Lantana, Florida which is about 10 miles south of West Palm Beach off I-95. I've been here for most of my adult life. Cyberfox came into my life at 3 months old in 1996. He has been to Columbus almost every one of his 12 yrs.
    As you can see in some of my photos, he used to ride on the back of my motorcycle before he was confined to the K-9 cart. Paul and the pup.
  • Sam Tsang

    Hey Lauren, FRAP is a corgi term that stands for Frenetic Random Acts of Play or Frantic Running And Playing :)
  • Duncan

    Thanks for the advice Lauren :) Duncan is slowly getting better with his nails...although last night was tough...he nipped me when I tried to clip. Funny he can stand in front of a 1200 lb Saddlebred, but once he sees the clippers he hides like a little wimp...LOL We will keep trying! I might recruit my husband for this job:)

    p.s Love the Kanye!!!! How did you add music?
  • AmberBailey

    hey friend! I should post pics of me and my mom!