
Profile Information:

About Me:
Hi, My name's Chris and I have a Corgi (Charlie) who will be 6 months old tomorrow (12/19/07). I work from home, and so does Charlie. He's my office assistant. I don't have a personal website to post, so I'm posting a link to the other Corgi forum we frequent.
About My Corgi(s):
Charlie. Pembroke Welsh Corgi and ultimate companion.

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  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome Charlie! Love the pic with Santa!
  • Brian Davis

    Nice looking boy :) He seems so happy .
  • Carol Braitman

    Just want to give you a personal thanks for your help with the corgi that needed rescue ! Keep posting!
  • Rosie

    My little girl sure loves the soccer ball too, she's a natural.
  • Brian Davis

    Hope all goes well with Charlie liking his new food :) Brynn doesn't seem to be picky when it comes to food . I have her go down and wait for her food and now she doesn't try to kill me when i take it away .Having my hand feed her at times and my scent on her food has helped a bunch .
    On the subject of Corgis liking soccer balls , i hear from quite a few owners that there dogs love them as well :)
  • Brian Davis

    I would love to see more photos of Charlie :)
  • Sylvia & Timmy

    He certainly is one happy boy!!! Loves everyone and loves to show off.

    I've been noticing how much everyone seems to care about the breed on this site, so I finally decided to join in.
  • Brian Davis

    Chris - I did the same thing with Brynn's food last time ! I guess i got distracted with all the choices :) Your right about the 5 lb bag not lasting long .
    I hope you and Charlie have fun at the Dog meet up and remember to take your CAMERA !!! :) Waiting to see more photos of your little guy .
  • Brian Davis

    Chris - Thank you for adding the photos of Charlie :) He seems to like the camera . What is your cats name ?
  • Brian Davis

    Hey Chris - Pizzle is a kinda gross thing the pet store owner gave Brynn . She loves it . We were curious what it was and looked it up . It turns out to be a dried out bull penis . James wanted to trow it away , but Brynn loved it so much we kept it .We also have the Nylabones as well:)
  • Kristen

    Thank you for your comments about Basil. He was my buddy and I miss him terribly. I'm still trying to figure out the whole process of posting pictures. As soon as I do I'll post pictures of Lizzie, Fergie and some of the rest of the gang from our farm.
  • Brian Davis

    Great photo of Charlie in the bath :) At almost 7 months , how much does he weigh ?
  • Brian Davis

    I 'd say Brynn is around 10 lbs now .We don"t own a scale but she was almost 8 lbs a few weeks ago when we went ot the Vet. When we talked to the breeder , she said she was breeding smaller Corgis and that Brynn Mother was only 12 pounds! Brynn will be bigger for sure .That breeder was the one that wanted to buy Brynn back from us after a month and told us her Mom died recently at 3 years old :) She said the kids were playing with her for a long time and she had a stroke ? I hope this doesn't happen to Brynn. One person said to return Brynn because she might inherit this condition. I could never return her .After i saw her that first few min. i knew she was mine .Just cross my fingers that she has a long and healthy life
  • Brian Davis

    Thanks for the photo comment Chris :)
    I finally got her family tree this week. Brynn comes from 4 generations on championship dogs .Her parents didn't win , but her grandparents etc. have .Might explain why she is so quick to learn .LOL I wont be showing her ,or entering any contests .I just don't want a ill behaved dog .I know a few, and can't stand them .
  • Emily

    I saw on the forum that there was a corgi meeting at the dog park on the 12th of this month. I was there today and saw a cocker spaniel meeting and i was thinkin' it would be kool to have a bunch of corgi lovers meet up and let there corgis play together. I just moved here from Baton Rouge and would like to work with yah on maybe forming another corgi get together ^_^ ~Emily
  • Kristen

    Charlie, thanks for your comments regarding Fergie.What do you feed Charlie? I'm wondering if I should change brands. Looks as though our kids were born about a day apart. How much does Charlie weigh? Fergie is a whopping 22 lbs
  • Kristen

    Charlie, I've done some research on Candidae. it sounds like a great option. Not to mention I currently have five dogs on five different dog foods. It would be nice to have them all on the same thing. Looks like there is a dealer in Lincoln where I work. I'll pick some up tomorrow. Thanks for the suggestion!
  • Miss Jane

    Yes, I am trying to crate train him right now. At night, he actually goes in by himself but in the morning it's a little difficult for me to get him to go there. It will take some time I don't mind been patient with him. :D
  • Kristen

    I'll probably end up getting the the version for elderly or overweight for two of the dogs. I have and elderly lab/golden cross and a chubby 4 year old corgi and also buy the all stages for the rest of the crew. We will probably buy small bags and transition over the course of a week to see how it goes. I didn't see a message from you on gocorgi, but I have to admit I have't quite figured out the site yet.
  • Kristen

    I finally figured out that you have to go to the posts. MyCorgi holds your hand a bit more. There are some interesting conversation threads on GoCorgi. A 26 pound cat. Wow! The dogs steal from each other frequently--the other obviously has better food! Funny how they are.
  • sandra

    thanks for the comment on kaley corgis video....i just had to share, the victory, hers!...

    cool your corgi pal stays at home with you, so does mine, or maybe i should say i stay home with her!...??

    check this new site that i created for the love of pets, and us....come and chat and add your pics, same format as this by coincidence.
    it started out of my

    Look...I'm wet! (2 of 15)

    smiles : )
  • sandra

    hey, i almost moved to austin, and kaley corgi was there with me too

    i miss austin a lil.

    colorful gibson
  • sandra

    hi chris,

    i see you belong to austin corgis......i know austin is large, but how bout getting them to all meet at the park or something???? hey, i am admin, or should i say, kaley corgi is, admin to my dogster corgi....over a thousand members strong, and surely there are some austin corgis there...come by and join

    also, you say you do not have a website....i have www.sansanpals, and it is new but you can have your own page....hmmm, actually it is the same as this one...format wise, but it is a way to sorta branch out for you never know where you are gonna meet new pals.

    come by
    i think today i shall start a corgi group there, since there is already 3 corgi pals, came from dogster, or dog channel etc.

    deal is not everyone joins the same groups or clubs, so you never know who you are going to meet.....on dogster, i have met up with so many for is a blast....come and ck out my dogster and sansanpals

    can i play?

    smiles : )
  • Angie DesPeaux

    You are so right that she (and her siblings) were taken away from eachother (and their mama) too early. I knew they were.. I Emma 2 days before she turned 6 weeks old. The breeder said that the mama didn't want the pups after about 5 weeks and got irritated.. What she thinks is irritated is the mama teaching manners, etc.

    I will never give up on Emma, she is my baby girl. I love her so much and she WILL be the perfect corgi! :)
  • Carol Braitman

    Hi Chris, Again, kudos for your insightful answers to all the discussions. Did you get your meetup organized? If so, we need to hear about it!
  • Carol Braitman

    That's too bad. It's funny, but I have definately seen breed recognition with Augie and Charlotte. We had neighbors that got a corgi after meeting Augie, and Augie and Dale became best friends. It use to crack me up, I would go to the back door, and Dale would be standing there, looking for Augie. After Dale moved, Augie was so sad, we got Charlotte. I'm hoping some of the Indy corgis that are joining will be interested in a meetup.
  • Carol Braitman

    I think Corgis have their own style of play. I've seen them try to "wrestle" other dogs, and the other dogs find it threatining. Your pictures of Charlie witih the cat, look like Char and Mr. O. She taught him how she likes to play. Also, I agree with the herding instinct. The new kitty got out this morning, and the dogs brought her back in.
  • Kristen

    Thanks for the dog food recommendation. All of the dogs love the new food and the transition seems to have gone well. I have three bags of dog food in the pantry that we are no longer using. I thought about continuing to blend, but I think I will take the leftovers to the shelter in Fremont. Gives me an excuse to stop in and visit. I ended up only buying the all life stages. The dealer said that it would be just as beneficial to feed our elderly dog the all life stages and giver her joint supplements. I have more control that way. Thanks again.
  • New Corgi Mom

    How long is too long for her to be in the crate? I work and she is crated from 8:30am to 12:00pm then from 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm I just worry that she stays crated to often that is why i let her out so much when we are home, we live on a farm and she has plenty of room to run and i let her outside to play. I just dont want her to hate her crate from being in there to long. Sorry for babbling Im new at this and need all the help I can get Thanks so much.
  • New Corgi Mom

    She is almost 2 mos old she does great all day she does not use her crate and she sleeps all night she has woke me up once or twice and I let her out but otherwise she sleeps all night unlike my 3 year old daughter LOL! Maybe they can teach each other a few things she can teach the dog to potty train and the dog can teach her to sleep all night thank again for the advice !!!
  • New Corgi Mom

    Sorry forgot to add she eats twice a day morning and night and always has water accessible when she is out of the crate someone told me not to water them in the crate so they wouldnt have to go while there is no one around to let them out is this correct or not should I leave food and water with her all day?
  • Kristen

    We are so relieved about Fergie. Wish we really knew what happened. All of the dogs love the food. It will be nice to buy one variety instead of five! They still check out each others dishes...just in case... For our little Potter I put a bit of IAMs gravy on top to encourage her to eat her meal in one sitting. She is a nibbler, but if she doesn't eat her food it is gobbled up by someone else as soon as she walks away.
  • Duncan

    Thanks Chris/Charlie for you advice :)
  • Carol Braitman

    Love the pics of Charlie and the cat. My Charlotte and Mr. O do the same thing. They are hilarious to watch!
  • Kristen

    Love your new profile pix of Charlie. What a happy boy!
  • Kim

    For sure! I used to do Dog agility before college but the corgi wasnt around then. I did it with a beagle and mutt. I even MADE and painted all the equipment! Yeaaah went to find it again and see a lot of it is warped after sitting out every winter. Ive never done fly ball and excited to try it, Dog Agility is my plan B if it doesn't work out for us because I KNOW agility will =)
  • Kim

    Ha it was an AGILITY TRIAL that inspired me to WANT a corgi! I saw this great little corgi all freaked out about the teeter totter and thought it was an interesting looking dog, in a funny way. I was hooked
  • Kim

    Mackenzie is 6 years old now.
    I started my beagle in agility when he was a year old. He doesn't do it anymore, became more of the folks dog and he likes to sleep =)
    His nose was a challenge but we managed. I like how the corgi is a herding dog and very visual instead. I tried a little agility with her last summer, let her watch the beagle since he knows his stuff. It seems a lot easier to train them when they have another dog to watch. "example" I think jealousy played a role between them... she wanted to show me
    "she could do it too"
    She is a tennis ball freak though with a long lasting battery - so I thought might try fly ball first see if it works out.
    Surely keep us updated!
  • Brian Davis

    Hi Chris - Thinking of you and Charlie .Your walks still going as well as they have been ?
  • Becca [Formally Siduri]

    Fortunately we have a big neighborhood and can go in another direction. The walk is more for our benefit, I think, sometimes...Jake runs and runs in the yard!
  • Becca [Formally Siduri]

    Oh yes, smelling everything is so important. And I do want Jake to be used to this new place. I am sure CT smells a lot different from KS, especially as we are 5 minutes from the Sound. I also love being able to walk a dog and converse with him/her about whatever is happening in the neighborhood. A clever dog really does like to know and Corgis are no exception!
  • Brian Davis

    Hey Chris - Brynn is doing the same pulling thing at times , and likes to put the leash in her mouth and drag me when we first get outside . Any ideas on how to stop this ?
    She has also been gagging on her food a bit (very scary) so were putting water in it to moisten it up a bit .
    On our walks she only barks at dogs that are passive , when we come across a dominate one , Brynn is so quiet with her ears down ! She crazy .
  • Brian Davis

    Bitter Apple !!!!! Yay ! Great idea ! LOL We have some here , and I'll try it this morning :))
    As for the gagging , she does eat way to fast . I have tried to slow her down via hand feeding , but can't and won't do that every time .Water should work for now .
  • Brian Davis

    Thanks for the photo comment Chris , and Charlie :)
    Bitter apple didn't work :( LOL Brynn loves to chew her leash .Help !!
  • Brian Davis

    Hey Chris - Nice new layout :) want to thank you for all your advice !!! Your so helpful .I went back to using a harness yesterday , and guess what ? No leash chewing !!! Yay!
    We seem to have good and bad days on our walks .Brynn is so hyper at times and will not listen to me on our walks. I have to say "Sit !" a few times and she will do it , but it takes awhile.Other days she is so in tune with me ,and wants to please me ,and is aware of everything (with the exception of a blowing leaf )
    I'm finding out Brynn is a tad jealous if i pet other dogs on our walks .LOL She doesn't like to be ignored .:)
    How is Charlie doing ? Still walking with you ?
  • Patti

    Chris - Thanks 4 your kind thoughts - Kai is feeling a bit better, Luna is "trying" to help (NOT!) but we are very hopeful. Kai has always been a special boy, and will continue to be one. BTW - your knowledge and your facts that u share are not trivial - we quite enjoy them.
  • K Taylor

    I didn't know about the taping til just recently. What is
    the procedure? What kind of device, and tape? I think
    he is adorable as is, but he would be MOST handsome
    with his ears at attention.
  • Patti

    Thanks, Chris for your thoughts on Kai! he's in love with his ball! and I think secretly enjoying scaring the crap out of Luna! How is Charlie?
  • Hannah and Ruby

    Lol! I don't even think I could pronounce it! I'm not even going to try!
  • Patti

    Hey Chris, I thought you might be able to help me with this. Last night, the "bad one" Luna decided she was gonna run up to a couple Huskies and introduce herself - which the dogs had no problem with. Kai saunter's over, tail wagging and everything, and one of the Huskies instantly goes agro on him. This is the third time a dog has gone after Kai - you know all about the great dane. Are some dogs just targets for attacks? and what do i do about it?