
39, Female

Nashville, TN

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
I just graduated from UNT in Denton, Texas with a degree in photography and recently moved to Nashville. I am a dog lover, but corgis by far are the best.

I make clothes for my puppies and fellow corgi owners. We started Dwarf Dogs about 9 months ago and it is so much fun!

I am also a member of Team in Training and I will run my first 1/2 marathon in October. To learn more, please visit my site:
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
I have an awesome corgi named Tank. He is 2 years old and so much fun. I like taking him to the puppy park and teaching him new tricks. We just got him a new friend, Gunni. They love playing together!
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome Kristin! So you're a photography student? My Wife Silvia is a photographer, she's also on this site! Tank looks awesome in that dog tag!
  • WhiteDove

    How cute is that!!!!
  • WhiteDove

    I just love that bow-tie
  • Katelyn

    Your puppy is sooooooo cute!
  • Sam Tsang

    Hey Kristin! How's business? the holidays are coming, you may want to take advantage and do some holiday promotion :) Something like a group discount might work, say like if 20 or so people place and order at once...etc. Anyways, just an idea. Hope you're having a great day!
  • Sam Tsang

    Hey Kristin, Thanks for the update, I took 10 mins to view your site and it is a great improvement! Good job on the photos! Here are some suggestions: I used firefox and safari, so things may appear differently on IE.

    1. Check you HTML code in the T-shirt section, something is not right and it's causing double images in safari, and it's loading a little longer than usual in firefox.
    2. Make sure that the popup blockers will not block your new image windows, an alternative would be click on image and load new images on exsisting window.
    3. touch up the following picture, give it some light on the side:
    4. Watermark all your images with your url (promotino + protection)
    5. In the gallery section, link each picture to their own product page, so that the visitor won't have to double take or guess which product it is. A caption with link is also doable.
    6. when using firefox, the shopping cart link is blocked.
    7. consider using form for the contact us link.
    8. I did a 3 min run down on SEO on corgi clothes, corgi clothe, corgiclothes and corgiclothe...etc. Re-submit your site to google, yahoo and msn. update you keywords, the better your description, the better it'll rank.
    9. Consider adding prompt for action function, such as: tell a friend, bookmark this page, e-gift cards.
    10. Digg up you old yearbook and see who can write a press release for you and then submit it to the appropriate media, it'll have maxium exposure if you link it to a fashion event or charity.
    11. with your exsisting images, you can create a 15 second viral video and dump it on youtube and any other video sharing network / social networking websites.

    That's all for now, I know there's a lot to take in, but good luck in your adventure, nothing beats working for yourself :)
  • Sylvia & Timmy

    Tried to contact you on the website, but couldn't. I'm interested in gettin Tim a T-Shirt, but he's a pretty big boy and I'm concerned that regular corgi shirts wouldn't fit him. He's like a linebacker for the Dallas Cowboys!!! BOL

    My email is