
Profile Information:

Berlin, MD
About Me:
We live near Ocean City MD We are retired and my husband does videos.
About My Corgi(s):
We have a Basenji named Tut and a PWC named Reggie.
Reggie's brother Duke has been at the Rainbow Bridge a year now.

Comment Wall:

  • Sam Tsang

    welcome Susan, Reggie, Tut and family! We have a few members from MD :)
  • Sasha

    Welcome from Michigan! :) Your are 703th family member and I believe we still have more family yet to arrive! :) I'll go to U Tube and look for your video. It sounds really funny from the name! :)
  • Cindi

    Welcome!!! Can't wait to see pics!
  • Sylvia & Timmy

    Susan, I remember seeing this video last year and almost died laughing then, same this time. Welcome to the site filled with other corgi addicts.

  • Lauren (Duke and Daisy's momma)

    Our Corgi's name is Duke also! Your Duke is quite handsome. He has such a pretty coat. Welcome to the site!
  • Susan

    We lost our Duke to auto immune hemolytic anemia in Sept 2007. He still lives in our hearts and his brothers look for him all of the time.
  • WhiteDove

    Hello Susan. . .you have a beautiful baby. . . .
  • WhiteDove

    OMG, I watched the "The Pizza Plan". . .I couldn't stop laughing. . .you are very talented or should I say the "Gooms" are very talented. . . .LOL
  • WhiteDove

    Hello Susan. . .I created the short clip from my Lord of the Rings CD. . .this happens to be one of my favorite sound-bitesā™„. . .On each page of my "personal webpage" I have short clips from different movie soundtracks. . . .I think it gives my page that 'personal' touch. . . . :)
  • Little Bear

    duke had it? okay, i need all the help i can get because its happening AGAIN and i don't know what to do... i can afford the $210 vet bill (gulp) but i'm worried about him and i can't get a straight answer!!! he threw up last night and has had diarrhea for 2 weeks... its always solid poop first and then its the diarrhea so my vet says its fine but i don't think it is.

    rice and potatoes, cooking already. what did you feed your duke? in general? for everyday food. i still have him on his puppy food and i need another food and i would love to know what you suggest. i am at my wit's end here... and also, what do you think about rawhide? anything you could suggest to me, ANY and EVERYthing would help. i am so worried about him. he isn't lethargic or anything and is plenty happy, but i need some help.

    any and all suggestions help more than you could imagine. thank you so much!!!

    by the way, your corgis are some of the prettiest i have ever seen... you are very lucky!!!
  • Susan

    Thanks, my guys are my heart.
    I feed Verus and Enova.
  • Casey

    Thanks for the welcome - Bailey and I are happy to be here! :)
  • Gina and Zak

    Thank you for the welcome!