Katie and Rufus



United States

Profile Information:

McDonough, Georgia
About Me:
I graduated from the University of Georgia in December 2007 with a Bachelors in Fashion Merchandising. I live with my twin brother, Thad, in McDonough (metro Atlanta), Georgia. I work at Macy's South as a Sales Manager.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Rufus turned one in April and he shows no signs of maturity. lol. The first thing he does in the morning after he eats are his corgi zooms. Then, while I am getting ready, he lays at my feet and squeeks his squeeky toy-repeatedly. He's sable and white and the cutest dog I have ever seen-though I am most certainly biased. It's been almost a year since I've gotten him and I can't get over how cute his butt is when he walks...hee hee.
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome Katie! Glad to have another member from GA! upload some pics of rufus :)
  • Zed

    Rufus is a great name for a cute dog like that!
  • Cindi

    Rufus is a cutie! I used to live in Atlanta and take the dinner train out to UGA for the football games. It was a long time ago, but I still remember. It was great fun! Welcome!
  • WhiteDove

    Welcome Katie. . .that little face makes me smile. . . .too cute!!!
  • Lauren (Duke and Daisy's momma)

    Your Rufus has the sweetest face. His hair is so red and pretty. Ya'll have a Happy Thanksgiving!
  • Florence Fong

    Hi Katie,
    This is a first for me-seeing a Corgi wearing a jacket. He looks very handsome indeed. My Ritz has the same colouring as him. By the way, the picture on the left is not Ritz. Have yet to upload his pictures.
  • Miles McDougal Carman

    Miles feels your sensitive tummy pain. I love the name rufus =)
  • deelee lew

    Rufus is the same age as Kiyo! cute!
  • Frances

    Rufus is such a cutie!
  • Shelby Hurst

    It is alot of fun, I wish it was my actual job. I work at petsmart during the semester- it's an awesome job too
  • Sam Tsang

    Hi Katie, there are a few members from GA, some of the them started one here http://www.mycorgi.com/group/gerogiacorgis
    The best thing to do is locate all members from GA and get one going, that's how my group got started, we had 5 in the beginning and now we have to split into several groups. the largest group is in San Diego, well over 200. so don't give up, tell every corgi owner you know about us and we'll unite all of them :)