
Profile Information:

Fargo, ND
About Me:
Erika and Joel live in Fargo, ND. Joel is a manager at a local bicycle shop, and Erika works for NDSU in Student Affairs.
About My Corgi(s):
Gus (or the GusBus as he is called at home) is a 1 1/2 year old, Pembroke Welsh Corgi. We brought him home at 7 weeks old and he has been delighting us ever since! Gus just got a little brother, Howie. He came home on March 14th. Howie is quite the daredevil - absolutely fearless!

Comment Wall:

  • Corgi Mom

    Welcome to the group! Congratulations on the soon to be new addition. GusBus is a very handsome little man!
  • Corgi Mom

    Love the picture you posted of GusBus. :-D
  • Kristen

    Welcome to Corgiville. GusBus is a goodlooking guy. Love that face.It's hard to stop with just one Corgi. Congrats on the new baby in March. We pick up our new addition on Sunday!
  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome GusBus! We've got another member from Fargo as well, hope y'all get to meetup soon!
  • ♥ AdEle

    So cute ! Can't wait to see the next friendly face ...
  • ChrisMarieandPi

    Hello, So you must work at Island Park cycles. I do believe thats the only local bike shop here in Fargo. Any who, welcome to the MyCorgi.
  • Lincoln is Corgilicious

    You are right! Lincoln and Gus could be brothers ... weird
  • Cindi

    Hi Erika, Joel and GusBus! Welcome!
  • ♥ AdEle

    Good morning. How is Gus today ?
    I can not wait until March.. will he be red or tri ?
  • Lincoln is Corgilicious

    where did you get your lobster outfit for your little one?
  • ♥ AdEle

    Oh great ...
    Corgis are so much fun, can not wait to see Gus 'lil brother ...
    You guys have a wonderful day today ....
  • ChrisMarieandPi

    Mostly of the BMX variety, but I'm wanting to get more into the road type, but none of that has been going on being the -30 windchill.
  • WhiteDove

    Welcome Erika. . .you'll have the best time with your new addition. . .he is adorable. . .my friend has a farm in Christine, ND. . . .LOL
  • Eva

    OMG my brother's nick name is GusBus! His name is Gus...
  • Tippy's mom

    Gus looks very fun and sweet! =) his little brother is adorable!
  • Sam & Maximus

    Yes, it was near soiux falls, it was in plankington. They also sold horses. It is called Arasky Acres. They were great to deal with.
  • Kim's_Corgi's

    Awwww...congrats on getting a new little guy! We got our second corgi last month. He's almost 4 months old now so we're in full potty training mode. Good luck!
  • Tracie & Emmy

    What a cutie Gus is... making a game out of his bed. Oh Howie is a cutie! You must be SO excited to pick him up next weekend. You'll have to let me know how they do together. Being on this site makes me want to bring home another, I am not sure how Emmy would deal with it. I am sure you will have so much fun with the two of them! Enjoy the rest of your weekend! :-)
  • Karen & Bailey

    I am so excited! How is your new pupp!?!?!!?!?!!?!???! mines woke up on the dot every two hours to go potty. HAHHHAHAH...
  • Niki

    Kirby looks just like your little GUS BUS soo cute!
  • Eva

    Kind of I guess.... ur corgis so cute!