

Marietta, GA

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
I love my dog.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
My name is Gunner.
Likes: Long walks, chasing squirrels, and kitty cats, sleeping on my back, chew sticks, car rides, carrots, getting lots of kisses, visiting my grandma and grandpa, and being around my humans.
Dislikes: Storms, loud noises, riding in the backseat.
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome Gunner and family! There's quite a few members in ATL.
  • Jenni & Dave Fields

    welcome gunner!!! what a handsome guy!
  • Kristen

    Welcome to You and Gunner. What a face!
  • Lisa P from WV

    Gunner is a cutie! He looks like he rules!!! lol
  • Ricky Jones

    hahaha I have a Gunner who looks quite like yours.....
  • Andrea

    My Willis has the same coloring as your Gunner - and he also shares his love for sleeping on the bed!
  • LeAnne

    Thank you. And that is minus our fawn bluie boy, Blizzard.
    I'll put more pics up soon.
  • Carlee

    Hi, thank you! Gunner is adorable as well, I love all the pictures. Especially the one with his toy frog and his tongue hanging out- priceless!
  • Virginia

    Gunner, Yogi says "Howldy" Wish we could play together.
  • Sam & Shelby

    One word: ADORABLE!!!
  • Rita

    Hi Gunner - what a cutie! Just a sweetie!
  • Rita

    Gunner is just beautiful. I can so see why you love him so much. What great pictures!