Amy Parish

Merrimack, NH

United States

Profile Information:

Winamac, IN
About Me:
My name is Amy and I am attending DWC for Air Traffic Control.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
My name is Daisy. I LOVE crunchy leaves! I love to eat them and run all over them. I enjoy sleeping on my back and luring my parents into giving me endless tummy rubs. I love my flying squirel...I could chase it for hours. I don't really like baths...yet. I am not fond of the car, but I am working on that. After I eat, I always let out a loud "BURP" to let everyone know that I am done. I also sound like Chewbacca, instead of a dog. "Wacka, Wacka!"
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome Amy and Daisy!

    Hi Daisy and Amy welcome.
  • WhiteDove

    Welcome Amy. . .you're right, Daisy is precious!!!
  • Heather

    Welcome Amy! Daisy is adorable :) Are you going to UNH?
  • Cindi

    Welcome Amy and Daisy! Love NH. Still have family there around Nashua.
  • pat_m


    Care to join us at the Corgi Meetup in Kingston NH on the 20th???
  • Parker

    Daisy is so cute! Good luck with the training! I know it can be stressful. I just keep trying to remind myself that the puppy stage is short and then we will have a great grown up dog from then on!
  • Heather

    Cool, well welcome to the area! Your baby is adorable...they are great puppies :) I'm up at UNH...if you have any questions about the area, give me a shout :)
  • pat_m

    Kingston is approx 45 Min from Bedford (at least according to Yahoo Maps).

    We have had some younger dogs come (Heather's Corki being one) and they have seems to fit right in.

    It's a good socialization expirence for the dog...
  • Beth

    Daisy is sooooooo cute! Welcome!
  • Lisa P from WV

    Hi, I have a Daisy too! Ours is named Daisy middle name is Mae. She is the only little girl I've got. I have an 11 year old boy Zach, and a 5 year old mutt Chappie (boy)! I clicked on your dog's picture because she reminded my of my Daisy a bit! She is a cutie!
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Hi Amy,

    Lance was on Iams when he was younger and he stopped eating it!! The vet told me to change his food because it had been recalled. I do believe something was not right with it because otherwise Lance would not have stopped eating it, he loves to eat. Maybe the Iams is making Daisy sick. We also did have issues with Lance puking. Hope this helps. We ended up switching Lance to Natural Balance Duck and Potatoe, he loves it. Hope this helps, good luck.
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Your Welcome, just a little note, I did not mix in the Iams with the new food because it was recalled the vet said I had no option but to give him the new food without mixing. Lance did alright. I also bought the canned version and gave that to him at first so he did not associate it with the bad dry food. I did switch to the dry food after the first feeding when I knew he liked it. You should have seen him, he was doing the biggest dance. I have him sit while I put his food in his dish and he could not sit still, it was so funny! I hope you have good luck with this food. Let me know how it goes.
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    How is Daisy doing?
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Glad to hear Daisy is feeling better, it isnt any fun when puppy doesnt feel good. I hope she will continue to stay well. I am glad I could help.
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    How is Daisy's tummy doing?
  • Corey & Holly's Mom

    Hi Amy! I was curious as to the date of when your puppy was born. Daisy looks so much like Holly. Holly was born Dec. 23. I hope that Daisy is feeling better.