

Cedar Rapids, Iowa

United States

Profile Information:

Waterloo, IA
About Me:
I live in Cedar Rapids, Iowa with my husband and our Corgi puppy named Foxy.
About My Corgi(s):
Foxy is our tri-color Corgi born on April 19th, 2008. She joined our family on June 6th, 2008. She has been a complete joy!!! She was a little shy at first, but has really come out of her shell. She has changed our lives for the better! We are so happy to have her!!!

Comment Wall:

  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome Katie, Foxy and family!
  • Jenni & Dave Fields

    Welcome! I love when they are at the puppy stage where only one ear is up! You will love it here...great people and the best Corgis on earth!
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Welcome Katy, Foxy is precious! Love the pictures with Foxy and the baby, so cute.
  • Chelsey

    Foxy is adorable!
  • Steve

    Awwwww. Foxy is a doll!!
  • Sam & Shelby

    Foxy's so cute! I don't think I've seen a mostly black corgi.
  • Bobbi & Penni

    Foxie is very cute!
    We are considering getting a tri-colored corgi!
    Love your pictures!
  • DudeWheresMyCorgi

    OMG they are so alike!! I love it..so so qt lol ... I miss baby Louis hahaah he's all big and teenager now
  • Erin

    Foxy is so cute! Our Corgi was born April 19th, so they're very close in age!
  • LeAnne

    I'm sorry you and I did not meet before Sat.
    We just had an IA corgi picnic. We had almost 40 corgis and 20 humans there.
  • Erin

    That is funny that we have the same furniture! Luckily Yams hasn't chewed it up yet. Glad to hear that someone else is feeling a little frustrated at times with their puppy- we feel the same way. We love her to death, but it is quite the lifestyle change- they are tons more work than I ever thought! Plus,we found out I'm pregnant so we have a baby coming in February- eeek! have you had any issues with housebreaking? We are still dealing with it!! :(
  • Erin

    I totally know what you mean about the chewing- Yams is content for about 5 minutes with a kong filled with peanut butter, then she moves on to anything she can get her hands on. I bought some peanut butter flavored rawhides and that is the only thing that will pacify her for a decent amount of time. I've heard the chewing doesn't get better until they're done teething, which is about 6 months old. I don't know if I can remain sane for that long!!! :)