Lil' Guinness


Fredonia, WI

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
I've loved dogs all my life. Now I finally get to have another one. My friends think he's adorable! Well, he is!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
We are the proud owners of a little tri-colored Corgi named Guinness. We got him on September 28, 2008. He just turned 1 year old on August 5, 2009! He's a big boy now!
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Kathie and Tucker

    Guiness is gorgeopus! You are in for loads of fun! Corgi's are the friendliest, happy little dogs I have ever seen.
  • Kathie and Tucker

    Oh, I'm sorry, I thought the picture there was Guinness. I can't wait to see his own picture! Is he a cardi or a pem? And what color? Guinness is an unusual name. Very cute.
  • Kathie and Tucker

    Hi Lil,
    Well I just left a big long comment, but it seems to have been eaten by cyberspace.
    I just realized I don't know what to call YOU! Is Guinness going to be your very first dog ever? I've had several dogs of varying breeds, (well, actually they were family dogs, that nominally belonged to the kids) but Tucker is my first corgi.
  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome Guinness and family!
  • Kathie and Tucker

    Good Morning, Lil!
    Hi again. Love to hear about everyone's past dog companions. One of our past dogs was a sheltie we got when he was 3 yrs old. (Family moving across country, couldn't take teenage son's dog...) He was wonderful, well trained and the best kid's dog. After he crossed at 16 yrs old, we had a little mutt, that I am firmly convinced was part corgi (and part devil, too!). He was the last dog we had till we got Tucker. It's been a long time and I'm having to remember all the puppy training tips and tricks I've forgotten as well as learn new ones.
    I have a pole lamp in the living room. I THOUGHT I had the house puppy-proofed when we brought Tucker home. He chewed the plug-in off the pole lamp in the first half hour! Good thing we never use that lamp anyway. So far, aside from having to re-arrange the closet to put the shoes on the top shelf, it's going fine.
    I thought dogs were color-blind, but Tucker much prefers his green "tennis ball" over his purple one.
    He also loves to "cuss" at the squirrels that live in the trees in our back yard.
  • Karen & Bailey

    hii!!! thanks!!! cant wait to see pics of guinness. people often think i named bailey after bailey's irish cream. =P anyways, i love all corgis! lol im one of those corgi owners that has to meet all corgis and their owners whenever we go to the dog park. youve chosen a great breed! congrats!

    the song that is playing on his recap video is called "Gone Going" by Jack Johnson. I believe it was on the Curious George movie track!
  • Carmen

    Hi, can't wait to see your new puppy! Gotta love the puppy breath and fur.
  • Kristen

    Congrats on the new puppy! I love the name Guinness. I almost named our Brodie Guinness. Such a good fit for a tri! Looking forward to pictures and stories.
  • Tama

    I am sure he is a cutie, enjoy!
  • Krystal

    You must be sooo excited! Post some puppy photos when you get little Guinness! :D
  • Melme

    Well how about that! I had no idea this was you. I just took some photos of Friday "Guinness" about an hour ago and am downloading the pix right now. We will see you in a couple of weeks:)
  • Carmen

    Actually, puppy breath and fur are a good thing. They are so snuggly and sweet. Ahh... puppies!
  • Mady

    I got her 2 weeks ago last saturday. She was only 6 weeks. Shes growing soooo fast! Yours is a cutie too!
  • Joni & Kirby

    Thanks, Lil' Guiness. We are new at this but will get some photos posted soon.
  • WhiteDove

    Hello Lil Guinness. . .thanks for your comment on my page. . .I got the cursor from a friend (I'd like to say I made it myself, but I didn't. . .LOL). . .the background is mine--my little fur babies--Sid, Babs and Cloe when she was a pup. . . .I know html coding so in themes, I created my own. . . .glad you enjoyed it. . . .
  • Angie

    You must be so excited to be getting your new baby. He sure looks adorable from the pic. Can't wait to see more pics of him. You're going to have so much fun!
  • Shannon

    cute baby pic, and Congrats. He is going to be a ton of fun
  • Kay

    She almost 6 months. They grow up so fast *tear*
  • Kay

    aww how exciting
  • Lil' Guinness

    I want to go to Alaska. It looks very cool there!
  • Krystal

    aww, Guinness is such a cutie!
  • Mochi

    lil puppy what a name i think it fits good!
  • Mei-ling-chan

    You are right about ordering off the net- never know what you're gonna get lol. And I hear it's hard fitting costumes for corgis cause they are so long. I never thought of Target...I'll have to take a look (so far the pet stores near me didn't have too much selection yet). I'm still concidering the idea of making one somehow...but I can't sew for nuthin! btw- I <3 the name of your pup :)
  • Madog

    He is a doll and is going to be a good looking boy.
  • Sagey

    Hey :]
    Friday is such a cutie!! I am so excited to bring Beta home. Bumble is such a sweetheart too. I absolutly adore Corgis!
    Good luck with friday :]
  • Gail L

    thanks for the friend request. seeing all of these adorable little corgis makes me want more!!
  • Angie

    This particular picture is of Baylee and all her brothers and sisters when they were all tiny. Puppies are so cute. I just love them. Baylee is just 9 months old herself right now. She's the load to tote though and quite the character as it seems all corgis are. Thanks for the comments.
  • Remy

    You must be so excited! He is so sweet...enjoy the puppy stage and take lots of pictures. It goes by so fast. Congratulations!
  • Butter

    So when do you get your baby?
  • Butter

    Wow, I wouldn't be sleeping about now!!! That is so exciting!!! I love the name you've picked, by the way. Joy
  • Richard

    Yay! Another tri!!! I'm getting mine next week...
  • Richard

    I'm getting mine on 25th. We're getting very
  • Richard

    He'll be barely 8weeks old when I pick him up.