Rose and Teegan


Parrish, Florida

United States

Profile Information:

Parrish, Florida
About Me:
I (Vickie) live in Parrish, Florida and enjoy the energy of our dogs! Teegan plays Frisbee several times a week and Rose always encourages us to use the pool! We (Joe and I) walk them twice a day and they race through the house all the time!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
2 females, Rose and Teegan
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Cheryl

    Emily says welcome! Very photogenic pair! Corgi's love to have their pictures taken!
  • Kristen

    Wecome Vickie, Rose and Teegan. Your girls are beautiful!
  • Lisa

    Wow! Charlie stands and looks at the pool as if it will eat him! No way would he ever jump in after a ball. Too cute! A flying corgi!
  • Rose and Teegan

    Rose loves the water, Teegan sits on the edge and can't believe she jumps in! But then, Teegan is much more reserve than Rose! Teegan is 7 yrs old and Rose is 8 months!
  • Florence Fong

    Hi Vickie,
    You have a couple of good-looking Corgis there. I bet you must have been told that alot! :o)
  • Rose and Teegan

    Thanks - they are both hams and love any attention!!! As with all corgis, I am sure!
  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome Vickie, Rose and Teagan!
  • Cagney & Lacey & Chapin

    Teegan is a great name! It is one we considered before settling on Cagney.

    Cute pups!
  • Rose and Teegan

    Both Teegan and Rose are named after Dr. Who characters! Joe loves the TV series and named Teegan, so we we decided to get a second one, I left the naming up to him! ;0)
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Welcome, Wow what beautiful corgis you have there to go along with that beautiful pool. Very nice, makes me want a pool like that! That is an indoor pool isnt it? Love the flying corgi picture, awesome picture.
  • Rose and Teegan

    Thanks -- and wow, your Lance is so beautiful! I love his markings! We live in Florida and the pool is outside with screening around it.
  • Reese

    I recogonize the picture from Celestial corgi! Welcome!!
  • Reese

    Thank you... both of yours are as well! Celeste does do a great job. Very Please! So nice to see siblings on here.
  • Adam & Brittany

    What pretty babies!
  • Furpants McGee

    oh yea, if i didn't have church and my family too...i'd be REALLY a mess!!
  • Heather

    Wanted to stop in and say hi because you are clients of my Mom, Elizabeth, at PAC. She said you were in the other day. Sorry to her about your pup with the bladder infection. The Corgi world is a small world....I just saw your correspondence about the annual Corgi picnic. I have been to it 3 years in a row now and its a blast.

    I just love that pic of your Corgi jumping into the wild! My Corgis love the water too! Are you going to the meetup at Fort Desoto tomorrow? I'll be there, hope to see ya out there. :)
  • Rose and Teegan

    We are planning to be at the picnic tomorrow. I look forward to meeting you!
  • Heather

    Yeah definitely! Glad you figured out who we were. :)
  • Ne

    That's great that you have Corgi picnics. That's awesome! Did you ever find out more about the bladder infections?
  • Ne

    Well that's good that she's a bit better. That's too bad that you don't know why it's happening. There is always a cause, you just have to find it. It's almost as if her immune system isn't working 100% to fight the infections (bacteria). Do they know it's a bacterial infection for sure? Just curious. I'm a chiropractor and I always think about those things.
  • Ne

    That sounds like a good idea. I know of a vitamin company called Standard Process that sells whole food vitamins for people and for pets. They have a good immune support product called Canine Immune System Support that you might want to think about trying. I don't normally bring vitamins up but maybe that would help her immune system be stronger. Just an idea.
  • Adam & Brittany

    thats too bad, but not many people have responded yet so maybe we will have to reschedule anyway. we'll keep ya posted!
  • Roger

    Thank you for the reference here!