penny spencer

United States

Profile Information:

davisburg, MI
About Me:
I'm really a beginner with computers so patience please, I'm still learning.
I'm a retired floral designer and love to garden. I have 3 children,
18, 21, and 23! This site looks very cute and interesting.
About My Corgi(s):
I have a rescued Akita, Penny who is approx 6 years old. Roscoe is our
little corgi boy, a tri. He's just over a year old. Roscoe is hydrocephalic
which means he has excess cerebral spinal fluid. The breeder failed to
tell us this. He's adorable but has lost his sight which doesn't seem to be a problem for him except for bumps and thumps. Unfortunately, the one symptom these little guys have is that they can't be housetrained! Yep, I wipe up approximately 25 puddles a day. The steroid he takes to decrease the fluid in his brain causes excess urination. It can get me down but he's so cute and we're lucky he's lived this long. The neurological vet couldn't believe he's made it so far. Every day is a blessing with little Roscoe. Sorry to be so wordy. It's just good to share with other corgi lovers. Thanks.

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  • Kona

    Oh, and one more note, I really admire what you are doing for Roscoe.
  • Kristen

    Good to hear from you. The vet experience sounds terrible. I feel for you. We try to do what is right, and the furry little kids just don't understand and we can't make them understand no matter what we do. Nice treat going to DQ though! It would be nice to have the vet make a house call maybe avoid some of the trauma for everyone. I hope the aggression stays under control, but you can only do so much. I wonder if there is an anti-testoterone supplement--probably not--what male doctor would ever research such a subject :o) I can understand the draining part. You have vested so much of yourself and one can only guess at the future. We have a vet appt. next week. Hopefully uneventful.

    Weather here was very nice that last couple of days. Took a couple of days away from the office to head to my youngest daughters (Sarah) last two home games of the college season--she plays shortstop on the Wayne State Softbal team. Took the Corgis along. They were exhausted each day, but loved the attention. Hard to be at work today.
  • Kristen

    Penny good to hear from you. Brodie is getting big. I need to take some photos and post them. He is at that awkward stage and it looks like all the pieces aren't fitting together right! We just went throught the HTWM testing. It was pretty traumatic for Fergie, they kept missing her little vein, but we came through it all ok. She didn't even notice the big needle from the Microchip! Took Brodie and Fergi in together and when I left I was over $300 poorer. Ouch.

    Good luck with the Job search--going back into floral design or looking for something different?

    Nice and green here too. I still haven't put a thing in the ground, but I still feel better seeing the hostas coming up. Brodie seems to enjoy pulling the heads off the star tulips. Little stinker! I was out of town since Saturday. Brodie tailed me everyminute I was home yesterday and this morning. He is such a little charmer.

    My oldest is home for a while so I will have both of my girls home. Last year Emily was still in Kentucky. I was pretty pouty about it! I've always wanted to visit Mackina Island--someday I will. Happy Mother's Day and happy planting!You will have to post a few of your garden pictures.

    took my youngest in for a CT Scan this morning, she had a collision at the Conference Tournament and it knocked her out and she suffered a concussion,which of course she didn't tell me about. "Mom, I didn't want to worry you", she said! Arrg! Went to the Dr. had the scan and everything is fine and I feel better! She thinks I over reacted.

    Take care!
  • Niki

    I am so glad that little Roscoe ended up with such a great owner like you to care for him. He is adorable!
  • James

    I wonder what he's looking at in all of those photos? Can he get around pretty good on smell/feel/hearing alone? He's an adorable little pup and lucky to have such a good owner.
  • Kristen

    Softball season is over and Sarah is good to go for next year. She is taking the summer off from softball...she doesn't want to burn herself out since it takes so much of her time during the school year. She is going into elementary education--good choice for her. No date on my older daughters wedding, I think it could be a long engagement--that or they will elope and tell us later. What are your kids up to? Pulled weeds from the perennial beds all weekend, but haven't planted anything new. Hopefully this next weekend. I think I will keep it simple. Tomatoes, peppers and cucumbers. Wouldn't be summer if I didn't get those things in. Sounds like you had a wonderful relationship with your mother--that continues--wonderful--hard to be without her I'm sure. My mom was never particularly maternal and I was closer to her mom in many ways. Grandma passed away about a month ago
    Hoping to get new pictures of the Corgis this weekend. I've been meaning to send our breeder an update on Brodie. Oh... I was in Target this last weekend and in their pet isle they have a display of toys that has a picture of a Corgi on it. It was a Cardi, but the face reminded me so much of your little guy! So glad to hear from you today. I'm looking forward to the pix!
  • Niki

    Thank you for your sweet comments about Kirby. His hair is finally growing back, and I know not to take him to that groomer anymore..He loves my nieces toys, especially her dolls! I just wanted to tell you that I think you are an amazing dog owner, and I could never imagine taking on what you do with having Roscoe, he is such a lucky guy. Take care!
  • Niki

    Kirby just wanted to tell Roscoe hi! Hope all is well!
  • Kristen

    Penny, I know what you mean about "gardenitis" It finally struck and I have my very small garden in. Thankfully here there was no additional freeze. It hasn't been all too warm, but it has been damp so everything looks beautiful. I even had some peonies bloom that I never expected since they are in such a shady area. My oldest daughter is 21 (22 in Oct) so young to marry (Same age I was though;o). It is possible that she and her fiance will be spending the next nine months in India. riding race horses and buying blood stock for a wealthy Indian. They review the contract tomorrow. Very very strange. Still no idea on a wedding date. Sarah is 19--she had a great year at school, but is glad to be home for the summer. I would be apprehensive about the police officer as well, but it is like my Emily--they have to follow their passion and we no loger get a vote...just not fair. Do you get to go visit Zach at Mackinac Island? I irrationally added a new little Corgi to our family last Friday. "Fern" formerlly known as Blair, is a puppy mill breeding dog rescue. Sweet little (only 15 lbs!) red/white girl. She is adjusting well and fits in with the other dogs. She is becoming attached to me--constantly checking in with me. She has an incontinence issue, that hopefully will be taken care of with medication. It hasn't really kicked in yet, but she only "leaks a little bit. Thank goodness for hard floors-- She seems to be pottly trained and we haven't had any accidents--other than the dribbles that she can't control. I need to take some pictures and post them with her "rescue" picture. She looked so sad before and she seems fairly content right now. I do hope we can fix the dribbles, but if not we will adjust. Lots of disinfectent wipes for the floor and baby wipes for her. I put a doggie diaper on her in the car! A week from Saturday I head to Washington DC with 18 high school students... We will see how Craig and Sarah do with the pack while I am gone for six days! Maybe Roscoes attitude will improve with the warm weather and more time outside. I have noticed less bickering with all the dogs since we are able to walk more. Is Penny still losing hair as well? Always good to hear from you.
  • Niki

    Kirby's 3 years dog years that makes him 21 and legal to drink some Doggie Draft :) He actually has a stuff toy that looks like beer mug and it says Doggie Draft on it. My friend got it for him when he turned three..too cute!
  • Kristen

    I'm thinking I'm really just crazy. We are follwing her around with disinfectant wipes! But she is just so sweet. Hopefully we can correct her problem, but regardless she is home!
  • Donna

    Hi Penny - Your Roscoe is the first tri I've seen with Bella's markings - I'm sure there are more - but they seem to be very different! We are just starting to get started in agility (Looking for a class, getting equipment, etc) so we're hoping that Bella will really enjoy it. She's been pretty bummed out the last month or so as we had to put her big brother down and she is having a hard time socializing with other dogs - but she loves the people! Could it be because she believes all people were put on her world to worship her - and they do - it's too funny! no one passes without a smile or a comment and most turn around and come back to give her the love! Where did you get Roscoe? Bella came from a breeder in Kansas via the local pet store (I know - I'm bad but we couldn't leave that little face) where we went in to see the fish! Keep us posted on both of your furbabies - Love the Akita! Donna
  • Kristen

    Penny, sorry to be so long in getting back. I've been on the road too much and when I've been home the satellite internet hasn't cooperated. The weather here has been very weird. Lots of thunderstorms and straight winds. We were spared this last storm, but two miles north the crops were totally destroyed. So sad. My little veggie garden looks pretty good considering. DC was good. The kids behaved quite nicely. The older I get the harder it is to recover, but I think I would miss it if I didn't go.
    Sounds frustrating with Roscoe. I don't think it is all attributable to being a corgi...I would think it has as much to do with not being fixed as well as the meds. Does he get a lot of exercise? I have seen a marked increase in good behavior now that we are walking more. They are almost unbearable if the weather prevents one of our walks. I am hoping the extra walking will help me shed the "winter insulation" I accumulated! I can't imagine an Akita with a opossum tail. Just doens't seem fair. I hate to ask this, but how long does a dog survive with Cushings disease? Has Aaron heard back about the job at Oakland University? Is there a wedding date yet?

    Fern is doing pretty well. She and Brodie get along well. Today all four Corgis were playing together...even Lizzie--I wish I had the video camera out! One of these days I'll learn how to post a video. Tried switching Fern to a different med (Vets recommendation)to control the leakage, but it actually seemed to get worse. I switched her back and it has reduced the amount of urine that leaks.I need to get her back to the vet for a follow-up. Fern loves to snuggle, but you have to hold her with a towel or you will end up with a wet spot. Took Brodie with me to an auction today for a little socialization--he did great. I bumped into the father of the woman that I got Lizzie from at the auction. He noticed Brodie and made a comment that his daughter raises Corgis and we got to talking and sure enough. Small world. The dogs are all sprawled out around me on the floor. One of the happy side effects from a long evening walk--exhausted corgis!!

    How did I become a lobbyist?..It was really an accident. I am a wildlife biologist by training. Was in between contracts and a friend of mine who was a former fisheries biologist had been elected to the legislature and I went to work for him on a whim, well another senator offered me a higher ranking position and I took that...I worked for him until he passed away...very sad and then I went to work for the rural electric association after that as their magazine editor. I did that for a 2.5 years when the Lobbyist position opened up at the association. I've been doing that for about seven years now. It is interesting how our lives take unusual turns. I hate politics, but I enjoy working through the process to change policy. I still do a bit now and then as a biologist--mostly rehab work with raptors. I wish I knew what I really wanted to do with my life...Are you still loooking for a new job? Looks like I wrote another novel! Look forward to hearing from you.--Kristen
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Hi Penny, Roscoe and Penny are so cute! I was reading about how your dog got ahold of your sons gum...orbit. Lance had also gotten ahold of my daughters gum this past Christmas (the day after). Orbit has Xylitol in it which is toxic to dogs. Lance spent the day at the vets. It can affect their blood sugar...and their liver as well. Just wanted to let you know. I also was told it could cause seizures too in dogs! How is Roscoe doing?
  • Carmen

    I love your little Roscoe! What a doll. Everyday IS a blessing with our little ones.
  • Niki

    Kirby is just stopping by to say hi! Hope you and Roscoe have a great fourth of July!
  • Kristen

    We are feeding Canidae All Life Stages. A little pricey, but I went from buying five different kinds of food down to one, so in the long run I come out ahead. i buy the giant bag (40 or 50 lbs so it seems worse when I write the check-- Dogs all love it and they look great. I also feed the Candidae Biscuits as a treat. All I need to do is say the word biscuit and all the dogs come running. I know the soap works with trees--we use them on the little ones--would think it would work on the hostas. Around here we don't have too many deer come into the yard. Sarah's Leonberger is an outdoor dog and he chases anything that comes in. Never heard of the peanut and pistachi shells trick--sound like a good excuse to eat nuts! Our 4th was quiet. Stayed home and didn't even go watch the town display. It was really quite nice. We went to watch the Olympic Swim trials in Omaha on Thursday and that was great fun--other than that not much going on other than work. I took Thursday off--going to be hard going back in tomorrow. Our old lab/golden developed a huge abcess on her face.--had to take her in on Sat to get it drained. Poor girl is walking around with one of those silly cones and a drain tube. It is a bit icky, but she is going great. Hard to believe she is 15 and has cancer. Emily (horse kid) is heading back to Tampa FL tomorrow...Take care...let me know if the soap works on the deer.
  • sandra

    thanks for commenting on kaley corgis video....i read about your corgi pup....sooo cute, and too bad he has his piddles and can not see, but it takes the right person to accept a pup like so, and you are the one. i bet he makes you smile every day....come by and check out, a social community of mine, and with lots of different people, with different pups....a fun place to be, just like this one, only corgi is not manditory in my social community!

    smiles : )
  • Kristen

    Penny, just checking in. Did Aaron get the job with the University? Life here is still busy. Fern's medicine is helping, but we still dribble a bit, but she seems to know she needs to lay on a towel or her blanket. Emily and her fiance went back to FL :o( so the house is more quiet, but I don't like her being so far away. Just to brag a bit...had our first two tomatoes last night! Cucumbers don't seem to want to put fruit on, just losts of blooms, but the peppers are producing. Not too long and we will be eating fresh Salsa!
  • Sam & Shelby

    That's aweful for Roscoe! He is very cute, though. Best of luck! Everyday might not be a blessing with him, because I think he is the blessing.
  • Kristen

    Here is what I saw about Chester. Their website takes you to petfinder for information. Sounds like he would be good for your little guy and he is cute! "Chester is 9 months old, neutered and UTD on his vaccinations. He is greased lightning, if someone took this smart and brave boy into agility, they would have a winner for sure. He has a charming personality, busy as can be. He likes the other dogs and is easily to handle. He has energy, we believe he is nuclear powered, but he has yet to bark yet. This one is a keeper. Chester is in Cheboygan MI. Please contact Millie at" This pet is up to date with routine shots.
    This pet has been altered.

    Lakeshore Pembroke Welsh Corgi Rescue
    Athens, WI
    Email Lakeshore Pembroke Welsh Corgi Rescue
    See more pets from Lakeshore Pembroke Welsh Corgi Rescue
    He looks a lot like my little Fern. Now I'm excited. I hope it works out! Emily is staying with some one...temporarily so no place to stay yet. My job has me running in circles so I am jealous of your time at home. Not nearly enough time at home to suit me....I would love to see your Fairy garden. After all, if you have a Corgi you should have fairies around! I am taking tomorrow off to go to a dog show. My youngest daughter Sarah and I are going to watch agility. Hoping to go back on Saturday. One of the MyCorgi folks from Iowa is going to be showing their dogs. Might be fun to put a face with a Corgi! Congrats to Aaron on his job!
  • sandra

    thanks for your comment.....hey, i see chester corgi.....gee, i would love to have him! a cutie and agility ---what a match for me, ehhehe!

    smiles : )
  • Pa'ani

    thanks for your comment! pa'ani means playful in hawaiian. roscoe is soooo cute. He has a cetain look that reminds me of how sneaky and mischevious Pa'ani is. Penny looks like a beautiful big sister Akita!
    I agree everyday is a blessing. I come home and im just so thankful that Pa'ani is in my life.
  • Kristen

    Too bad about Chester, but you are right Good for him to be adopted. from what you have mentioned about Roscoe I would agree that he needs someone to run him ragged and wear him out. Seems that for my gang the more the dogs run around outside and play with each other the better behaved they are inside. Hot and humid here as well. Thank goodness for airconditioning.
  • Gizmo

    Hello little Roscoe..Penny,
    Thank you or the compliment on video.
    Roscoe is little but he's the big fighter,wish you all the best. He is so lucky to have you. "One day at a time"
    Take Care
  • Anne

    Beautiful dogs. Roscoe is lucky to have you and your family. This site is fun to visit and read stories about other dogs, plus ask questions along the way. Good luck.
  • Kristen

    Penny, My brother-in-law bought some of those trolls for my husbands parents years ago. My girls were terrified of them when they were younger because they were so darn ugly. If it is the same kind of troll, I'm with your kids! Although I would check to see if there is any bad omen for doing so! lol.

    I found a website that has the Supraglan for a bit less. But maybe not depending on the dosage you have to give Penny. At any rate here is the link ( $50/three weeks is painful to any budget. What kind of job are you looking for right now?

    Dogs are doing fairly well. Lizzie and Fergie are vying for Alpha--had to take Fergie to the vet as a result of that challenge. She was limping and it turns out she had a puncture wound on her leg and ended up with Cystitis...arrrg. Brodie is a sweet little teenager right now and has been a lot of fun--he loves to go places with me. Fern is sweeter everyday. Still haven't got the incontinence under control. I am trying a switch to a grain free food and an herbal supplement (corn silk) that is supposed to have an impact. We will see. Natural remedy seems better than the drug options. She really is a nice little dog. We are really spending too much on vet bills and even though I'm working our financial situation is tenuous at best...(long story there.) So I understand where you are coming from.

    The girls are good. Emily is back in Florida and is teaching riding lessons at the moment. Her fiance is training and exercise riding until the race meet starts in Tampa. Sarah will be going back to school on the 25th.:o( I have really enjoyed having her around and will be very sad to have her go. She and I had a nice little get away to Estes Park and Rocky MT National Forest. Short, but enjoyable. How is Aaron enjoying the new job?

    I'm tiling a bathroom in our old farmhouse so I can have a new shower. Almost done..very exciting! I'll be grouting this weekend. Seems I always write a novel. lol--take care--Kristen
  • Kristen

    Penny, a girlfriend just emailed me that they have a purebred female Corgi that was born Dec 7, 07 that is not working out for them--I don't know the whole story, but I'm looking for more information. Ik now part of it is that they don't feel they have enough time for her. She wanted to know if I would take her...Five Corgis! Not sure I can handle that right now... Here is the web address to some pictures. She said she is free and that she just needs a good home. A little female would be a great playmate for Roscoe. She is pretty. Just a little older than Brodie. Would you be interested at all? I would even be willing to road-trip part way to deliver. It would be fun to meet another MyCorgi friend!
  • Kristen

    Here is one photo of Cooper
  • Kristen

    I'll give her your information. Here is Theresa's email address.Lang, She was in my wedding 24.5 years ago! I'll forward your info to her as well. This would be nice if it works out!
  • Kristen

    I was so disappointed for you when I saw that. I hope it works out for her. I know they are a busy family. I see she joined MyCorgi. I'm sorry I got you all excited... I was looking forward to a road trip your way as well. I'm not sure how two males will work. With one being neutered it probably would work out fine. I'm thinking better than two females. My girls can be so naughty. Not always though. Let me know how the visit with the little male works out. Take care. talk toyou later.--Kristen
  • Kristen

    Hey, did you ever get a chance to visit the little boy Corgi? Hope all is well.
  • Kristen

    I can't help but feel that there must be a special dog waiting out their--just perfect as a companion for Roscoe. I share your pain with your daughter moving out. I don't like the empty nest. It is hard when they think they are adults and we know they are still our little babies...Sarah is back at school. Couldn't come home this weekend and won't be home next and Emily is back in Tampa. I'm feeling pretty sorry for myself as well. Focusing on home improvement projects so the house is a disaster. It has been cool and rainy for the last four days. Not suppose to get above 60 today. Wow. I love the cool weather, but can't do much outside with rain, but we need that so it is all good. Constant set of muddy paw prints on the kitchen floor!
  • Kristen

    I saw this add on Petfinder and thought about you. She looks just like my Brodie. I hope all is well with you.
  • Chantel & Princess Bella

    Shame poor little Roscoe! You're very brave to be taking on such a huge responsibility, but as you did, I could never just let him go. He has the cutest little face ever. I'm glad he's made it this far...hope he has a long happy life. Give Roscoe a hug from me :-)
  • Lil' Guinness

    Oh yeah, I LOVE their ears!!!! They could grow to be the size of their head!!!
    Just kidding! : P
  • Sir Riley of Pembroke

    Yes I thank god for such a good dog and dear friend. thanks so much :) I am happy to have had him in my life
  • Kristen

    Penny, I'm excited for both you and Roscoe. And trust that it will work out. I know that "what was I thinking?" feeling! Penny is just protecting her territory and letting the new guy know who is boss...that will settle down. Our old dog "Tess" was the same way and will still exert a little aggression (nothing too serious) towards the younger dogs. They respect her and back off. Roscoe just needs to figure out the new routine. I would imjagine the extra pee is a bit of territory marking. When we got Fern she was definately an outsider and now she fits in really well. I think taking the dogs for joint walks helped a lot. Together time, but still separate. There was not a lot of playing at it can be obnoxious, but oh so fun to watch. His name is "Basel"? My first Corgi was named Basil! He was such a good boy. Is he red/white or tri? The walking will also help him drop some weight. Lizzie has lost eight pounds and finally has a waistline again! We have her on 1/4 cup kibble with about 1/4 to 1/2 cup green beans morning and night. I use frozen green beans and partially thaw them before I put them in the bowl. I also put a baby carrot in the bowl to slow her down. She has to eat around the carrot to get the good stuff. Then when she is done she eats the carrot. We try to walk twice a day. Tough now with the days getting shorter. The exercise seems to keep everyone in a good mood. Lizzie used to be such a curmudgeon, but has made an amazing personality change with the extra exercise and weight loss. She is much nicer to all of the dogs. I kept Fern in a separate area at bed-time at first, but changed that over time. She could still see the other dogs, but she had a space all her own and the others had theirs. For some reason the incontinence has gotten worse the past week so she and Fergi are noow sleeping in the basement until we get a handle on that. Neither of them likes to be alone and both would like to be up in my bedroom. Keep me updated. I would think that a 3 year old would be the perfect age. I really think this is going to be great for Roscoe in the long run.
  • Kristen

    I'm sure he will adjust. It will be so nice for him to have someone to play with. I'm sure it was a tough decision for the young lady, but it was good that she realized it would be unfair for Basel to be alone so much of the time. Good for both of you. So hard to believe that Roscoe is already two. Such a lucky little guy!
  • Gail's Lil' Gizmo

    Penny: I am excited for you!! They will get along fine given a little time. Please put pictures on your site for us to see. Tara, my daughter is getting a baby this Friday. (He is actually Gizmo's nephew) Gizmo's brother is the father .. He is a sable and will be named Yogi. I worry that Gizmo is going to be jealous because his is so spoiled rotten.. but he will just have to get over it. LOL.. That is my Grand-dog.. LOL And besides, I will be babysitting him when ever his mommy and daddy go out of town.. so they are going to have to "look forward to seeing each other to play". Congratulations.. and send pictures!! 43 lbs. my lord... I bet his is cute as can be.. what color is he?
  • Gail's Lil' Gizmo

    excuse my typing.. hope you can tell what i am saying.. i was typing the word "his" and should have been "he". thanks.. i am all thumbs in typing.
  • Sir Riley of Pembroke

    Please cherish every moment you can with your pups..I never knew life was so short until now. This really made me realize you cant take it for granted. I am sorry about your Shiba inu's they are a wonderful breed as well. Thanks for your support I definatly need it.
  • Sir Riley of Pembroke

    I go through spurts where I cry so hard I shake and then other times I can talk about him and I am fine..its confusing and hard but the support really helps!
  • Gail's Lil' Gizmo

    Penny: The girl in my pictures IS my daughter.. LOL. Her name is Tara. She is 28 years old (hard to believe). Gizmo just loves her to death. She is the one getting the new puppy on Friday. The other sable puppy in the picture is Gizmo's friend, Gracie. she belongs to a friend of mine, and she came out for "playtime" with Gizmo. She is a beautiful little petite sable. I will update pictures to show more of the family. let me know how Bazel is doing!! Got to go to work now.
  • Sir Riley of Pembroke

    Thank you
    I'm glad to know other dogs are scared of their farts as well, thank you for sharing a funny memory
  • Mariana

    He's such a cutie! I hope he's doing well.
  • Gail's Lil' Gizmo

    how is Bazel doing with his new family? My daughter is getting a new corgi puppy this Friday!! He is 8 + weeks. A Sable boy named Yogi. We are all excited. Will let you know how that goes.. Crate training, and alot of adjustments will be going on. They only have one cat, who has been used to being the king of the house.. LOL>
  • Sir Riley of Pembroke

    Yes they do:)
  • Sir Riley of Pembroke

    Thanks so much! It is really easy for a corgi to be fat.It seemed like no matter how much we walked Riley he didnt shed a pound. He was even on diet biscuits and dog food. My father just couldn't resist that sweet tap on the leg when we ate dinner, he just had to share! lol I don't recommend table scraps but at least I can look back now and remember just how spoiled he really was!
  • Sir Riley of Pembroke

    Believe it or not he was a 42 pounder at his prime! That stinks you missed the blessing of the animals, that is a nice thing. Maybe you can catch it next time. Sometimes I think my cat is a dog trapped in a cat body lol Today she found a little bit of dirt on our porch and rolled in it. Also she found a dead bug and rolled on that...Is that just me or is that a bit strange for cat behavior?