

Schenectady, NY

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
My name is Ne and I'm from New York. I adore the Corgi breed. I'm in the health care field and try to enjoy everything about life. Having our fur-kids really makes life so wonderful.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
I have 3 dogs, one being a Corgi (Merlyn) another being a Corgi mix (Radar) although now we are thinking he might be a Swedish Vallhund and a Chow mix (Jazzie). I have always loved the Corgi breed since I was a kid. Merlyn is 5 years old now and was born June 16th 2003. We had a Corgi before Merlyn named Denny who passed away at age 1 from leptospirosis. We lived in NH at the time. It was so sad and I miss him to this day. Radar is our newest fur-child who we rescued. He's such a happy little guy and he and Merlyn play with each other a lot. So cute!

I have:
No corgi

Comment Wall:

  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome Ne and family!
  • Rose and Teegan

    Welcome to the Corgi family!
  • Judy

    Aw, Merlyn looks so sweet. How nice that he and Jazzie get along so well. My Moose and Dixie are precious together. It sure makes life fun!
  • Judy

    Hi Ne - Radar is adorable! He looks so happy with his new siblings. I'm glad you're all having a good time!
  • Ne

    I'm glad too. Radar had a really hard first year of life. I don't know if you noticed he has one leg that is twisted and the other is slightly twisted. He runs fast even with those legs like that. I'm so glad we rescued him. He has a great personality and is so happy all the time. I think that's the Corgi in him.
  • Rose and Teegan

    Rose still tested positive for her bladder infection, so now we have her on doxycycline for two weeks. Her behavior is much better, but it seems her urine still had the infection. So, hopefully the dox... will clear it up. She is on this for two week. We are traveling next week, so my mom will be watching her during the week.
  • Judy

    I did notice Radar's little crooked legs. Poor baby! It's so sad to think what he must have gone through. But I think his legs give him more personality. Thank you for rescuing such a cute baby. He needed someone to love. May you have a million happy years together!
  • Rhonda

    Hi Ne,
    Thanks for the warm welcome. Yes, Merlyn and Edie do have the same look, don't they?! I love the photos of your "couch potatoes"! Mine are on the furniture all the time...spoiled babies. :) Bless you for rescuing!
    (Walter & Edith)
  • Rose and Teegan

    Great thoughts, actually, we are planning to have an x-ray done after we get back. Our vet recommended it to try and determine the cause, as you said, there is something going on that is causing the problem. In addition, I play to contact the breeder and see if there is any history of this with her dogs.
  • Judy

    So funny you said that you want to get rid of the couch, but your husband says no cuz the kids like it. My husband bought a bean bag chair at a garage sale, and I hate it! But the kids LOVE to sleep in it, so it stays.
  • Amanda Poon

    Thanks. All of your dogs are adorable! They all seem so happy to be together.
  • FuzzyButt

    Thanks! I worked hard on fixing my page up, and making it a fun page for people to see. Merlyn looks the way Banzai is starting to look. He's getting black streaks down the front of his shoulders and has always had the cap of a sable corgi. I still have no clue what his true coloring will actually be! ^^
  • Amanda Poon

    That's great. Sometimes I wish Cow had a little corgi buddy to run around with. Then he has an accident or chews a hole in another pillow... I think a buddy might be more manageable after I graduate!
  • Jessica

    Thank you! Your children are cute too!
  • Carissa

    Thanks for the welcome!
  • Ellie Belly

    what cute babies!