


United States

Profile Information:

Small town, USA
About Me:
Mid-50's, gardener, book-lover, tea drinker.
Proud to have a grand-baby, with high hopes of another down the road. Love small town living. We see America in our RV, which we call the Corgi Doghouse on Wheels.
About My Corgi(s):
We have two tri-colored corgi kids; Jake our 8 1/2 year old male, is a flop-earred, loves everyone sort of guy. His herding instinct is very strong, so he wants to play all the time to stay busy. He gets behind me, tapping ankles and hind legs to get me going in the morning...irritatin'!
Addie, our 6 1/2 year old female isn't as easy going as Jake, and is a little moody, to say the least. She's uptight about most things, and barks and has a hissy fit whenever the phone rings. She's adorable though, and lord knows, I'm a real corgi nut. Tasha Tudor's books and illustrations inspired me to "think Corgi" years ago...and I never dreamed they would become part of my life, decades later! I'd love to have a red. They are like potato chips...I must have more....but hubby says, he's out the door!

Comment Wall:

  • Tammey & Caven

    Hello, hello! Welcome to all! Love those corgis of yours. Your travels must be similar to ours. You'll love this place.
  • Tammey & Caven

    Oh and what a pretty grandbaby. Pretty webpage too.
  • Jenni & Dave Fields

    oh the babies!!! I am also a Tasha Tudor fan..grew up with her books, guess that inspired me to get a corgi...well the Queen too!!! My husband is also in love with this amazing dog!!! Welcome to the site!
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Hi and Welcome! Very interesting blog, sounds like you have alot of fun. Enjoyed looking at all your pictures on the blog. My favorite picture is of Emmys first Christmas, how adorable, it must be blown up and put in a frame! (I am a picture fanatic) Your corgis are adorable.
  • Jenni & Dave Fields

    not familiar with the State Park in IL that you asked about....but I am familiar with St Charles, IL! Yes, I ask myself everyday what we did before Spencer. I had a cat previously and although I loved him very much, Spencer has added so much to our lives!
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Thank You so much for the wonderful compliments on Lance! I think that the pems and cardis have similarities. When I asked our breeder what the difference between the two are she said that the pem will go with anyone and the cardi will stay with their owner. I have heard that cardis can be more laid back, but I believe it depends on the individual corgi and their own temperment. I think the cardi is more reserved with strangers until he knows them but then again it depends on individual personalities.
    Besides the doorbell ringing the other thing that really gets Lance is when my kids are in the basement with their friends, you better include Lance and dont try to keep him from getting there because he will find a way to get down there......Lance is pretty much trained not to go in the basement and he doesnt unless we invite him and he is perfectly fine with that....but I dont know what it is about being down there when friends or new people are over he does not want to be excluded!!!!!
  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome Susan, Addie, and Jake!
  • Gizmo

    Thank you for watching the video, I wish we live near by,I would drop Gizmo at your house to play with Mr. Jake all day! He never leave me alone,keep droping ball and sit straight look at me (demanding to throw the ball for him to chase)
  • Tammey & Caven

    Thanks!! The Superman picture was taken Metropolis Il.. The hometown of Superman, ... Ah, Well that's what the sign says. Anyway, Bear loves to swim, so much so that we really have to watch him around water or he will just take off swimming.
  • Tammey & Caven

    Oh, sorry. I am not sure which beach picture you are asking about. But it is probable Crystal or Galvaston in Tx, Jupiter, or Sunshine in Fl, or Mobile Bay Al.
  • Elys

    Thanks for your input. Some people love the muzzle, other, not so much. Camber is more laid back (usually) and tends to tolerate things, but she did not like the muzzle. Kept trying to take it off. Your little ones are adorable. My BF and I are "in talks" with getting another corgi because I think that Camber might enjoy a playmate. I would love to have 2 corgi's FRAPping around the yard!
  • CaptainCorgi

    Thank you so much! Yep, I am 18. I just turned 18 on the 11th of June.

    You're corgis are adorable! I read that you go around America in your RV? So lucky! Me, my sis and our grandmother would really love to do that.

    Have fun with your corgis!
  • Lisa P from WV

    Welcome, your corgis are really sweet...I like the corgi/baby pic...I bet they will be great friends when the baby gets older!
  • Cheryl

    They ARE like potato chips! I wish I had a whole herd.
  • Cheryl

    Thanks! She loves to destroy her toys. I think she did all that while I was taking a nap one afternoon. That is Emilys Mom, Sweet Potato and Emilys brothers and sisters!
  • sandra

    cool you have a pup named jake, my child is named jake ----kaley is the corgi here!

    smiles : )

  • sandra

    yeah, i just had to get those corgi cards! is they are still in the envelope..i want to frame them but the apt is small....

    what have you gotten off of ebay, corgi style!
    smiles : )
  • sandra

    oooo my, hehee you are a corgi addict mixed w/ebay! i am trying to make a book with kaley corgi, her adventures, and stuff with her on them....slow going since i have so much in the works, daily wise, with my and all the pics i take daily, all on flickr (the good ones that is)...this is one of the pics i had put on a shirt and two of my friends bought them..

    Cathy showing Kaley & Rani T-shirt

    i do not do much ebay shopping but for sure, in the pet stores, i do gear in to all the corgi stuff ---yeah, socks, jewelry, note holders, magnets, pic frames etc!

    smiles : )
  • Gail L

    Hi Susan ~ Yeah, that turkey licking was courtesy of my sister-inlaw, totally surprised me that she did that. Cobi has actually aged pretty well, considering he has been on anti-seizure meds for years now. The Vet is surprised at how well he has done. He is now 11 and just recently this past month has really been slowing down. It is hard to see him struggle at times, so we just take things slow now as far as walks and ball playing. Used to be he wouldn'nt stop playing ball on his own, now he let's us know when it is time to quit.
  • Sam & Shelby

    Yay! Go tri-colored corgis! I think the tri-colored look the best, other than a blue merle Cardigan.
  • karlene

    Thanks Grace is my first corgi and my pride and joy
  • Kim Sinclair

    What beautiful faces! It is so easy to see how a Corgi worms into a person's heart when they are so adorable! Happy trails
  • Emily

    If you consider doing Dog 4-H, Soccer and having 7 dogs. Then yes, I'm lucky
  • WhiteDove

    At 5:05pm on August 19th, 2008, WhiteDove said…
    Hello Susan, love your pictures. . .I'm a self-taught web page designer, it took years of trial and error but I eventually taught myself HTML coding and have had a great time creating my own style of web pages, I'm in the process of trying to create transparent windows which allows blocks of panes to have a 3D look to them, like I said I'm still learning. . . .these tech "adventures" are always fun for me and I really enjoy the final outcome. . . .back to my fur babies, they have brought so much joy to my life. Did you get a chance to check out my 3 videos of them? NOW that was fun. Glad to have you as a pal and hope to see more pictures of your family. . .you all look very happy (except your grand-baby, of course). . .LOL
  • Cindy

    Susan, for the picture frame for COCO, I use Power point to made it.
  • Terry Ramsbotham

    Good morning, Susan! Yes! I am the very proud mother of that young man, Jacob! He is 28 years old and a constant source of pride! He works for his dad, drives a 1985 Mercedes (but is looking for a pick up truck), goes and does whatever he wants, not to mention my just shear unadultred and shamless love for him! My husband, his step father, says that I really did a good job of instilling self confidence in my sons (and I don't think it is entirely a compliment! lol) Tell me about your son (?). And as far a the four legged babies are concerned...they look like brothers! We just got corgie #2 about three days ago! A little red headed tri named Lilly! Thanks for including me!
  • Terry Ramsbotham

    It sounds to me as if Congrats are in order all around! You as a Mom and Josh as a man! There are heartaches involved with raising all children but when you have a child that has to fight not being "Normal" (lol) then there are different heartaches. But sometimes I feel as if the rewards are much greater. The battles may be smaller, but the rewards are huge! Josh sounds as if he is doing great! I get myself all out of wack if my world doesn't go as I have planned so who can blame Josh for having difficulty with the same. He is a functional, contributing member of your town and I would be willing to bet that there are many there without his challenges who are not! As a Mom you have done a remarkable job and should be so proud! Those of us that have the priviledge of being around and gowing old with someone like your Josh and my Jacob are the very luckiest! Hugs to you both.
  • Jenni & Dave Fields

    thanks susan.....we love it here in good ol' IL!
  • Arlette

    welcome to another hoosier!! i love, love, love that pic of ur pupster trying to kiss ur grand-baby!! :) Very cute dogs!!
  • Stephanie Jones

    Yep, Tri-State. Well, Trine University now, the name changed Aug. 1st. It's wonderful coming home to Bella! She cracks me up with some of the things she does. Currently she's sleeping on the floor, with only her butt on her doggie bed. Lol.
  • Beezie

    Hi Susan,
    No, I wish I could say I did that artwork but I draw something closer to stick figures! I thought that the double corgi drawing was so cute tho, that I had to use it. Thank you for the welcome - Beazie and I are glad to be here!
  • Beezie

    Argh! Forgetful me! I meant to say I love the photos of your puppies and the rest of your family. Emmy is sooo darned cute, bless her little heart! Every one of you are beautiful!
  • Beezie

    Hi Susan,

    Ahh, I bet Addie is looking divine and feeling fat and sassy from emptying that biscuit jar, LOL .

    We got just one day of rain and I'm not sure if it was compliments of Ike or not but I have to thank him anyway. We really needed that rain!

    Everyone is feeling better now, thank heavens. If it wasn't one person needing their medications or a trip to the doctor it was another.

    Beazie just got her first 'big girl' groom today. She was very good, which surprised me, she usually wants to drink the soapy water, eat the comb, etc. "Dad" took pics so when I get the film developed I'll scan them into my page. I'm just getting around to putting her 9 to 11 week photos up. I need a new digital camera badly! Maybe after we recover from this latest round of paying for doctor visits, dentists, etc etc. It's always somethin'!