
48, Female

Pekin, IL

United States

Profile Information:

Pekin IL
About Me:
I am a stay at home mom to 4 - 2 legged kids and 2 - 4 legged!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Tucker will be 10 this year in the summer, and Kirby is about to turn 1 in Febuary. Time flys!
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome htabb and Tucker!
  • Sam Tsang

    Thanks! we launched the site 6 months ago :) Here's a thread that contain names You can also start one and ask for ideas!
  • Christina & Vicki

    Kirby is a GREAT name!! What beautiful Corgis you have!!
  • WhiteDove

    Hello htabb. . . .your fur babies are just precious. . .let me see, I've always liked the name Renee for a boy's name. . . .but realisticly, I don't think that would fit your fur baby. . .lol. . .I think Kirby is a wonderful name for your little boy. . . .when I was a child, we're talking the early 50's, I had an uncle that had a boy puppy and he named him JungleBoy of all names. . .I always found it odd, but as I got older, I found out that he called this little fur baby that name cause when he was in the Korean War, they had a little Corgi that would follow them around in the jungles and with his little legs, he could easily get lost in the jungle. . .he eventually brought this little boy home and he lived with my uncle until he passed away at the ripe old age of 17. . . .he was a happy little boy. . . .just a little tid-bit I thought I'd share. . . .
  • Cindi

    Welcome! Tucker and Kirby look like real characters.
  • Edison

    You guys are just painfully, painfully cute!
  • Kristen

    Welcome. Your profile picture is the cutest. looks to me like they were made for each other! Trouble (the good kind) and fun wait ahead!
  • Heather

    Thank you... while the picture is cute it took a few treats to get them both to sit there long enough with out moving or trying to chase the cat. I have a lot of pictures to upload of Kirbys first vet visit. He was so tuckered out he almost slept thru the whole thing.
  • TexasCorgiMom

    CUTE baby!!!!!
  • Kristin

    your new baby is super cute!
  • Christina & Vicki

    Hi Kirby,
    I bet your growing like a weed. How is Tucker getting along with you? It took Dingo a while to get use to Mimi, but now they play non stop. He get's tired of her also, just like any big brother would of a little sis. Anyway, just catching up with Corgi.com and wanted to say hi.

    Vicki, Christina, Dingo and Mimi
  • CaptainCorgi

    Thank you! Both your Corz are so cute! <3
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's