
The South

United States

Profile Information:

Citizen of the world
About Me:
I love Corgis! I'm in my mid-50's, and enjoy a bit of flower gardening (especially roses), cooking, and I volunteer my time working for a worldwide missing persons and unidentified remains database. Married, no children, but two beautiful neices. I also love cats and all animals but have a serious aversion to spiders. My home state is Ohio but I live in the mid-South after having spent several years living in Australia with my Australian hubby. I'm also a retired travel agent, real estate agent and paralegal (never could decide what I wanted to be when I grew up).
About My Corgi(s):
Beezie is now 7 months old. We first joined MyCorgi when she was only 9 weeks old. She is a Pembroke red-headed tri and is the light of my life. I've had two other PWC's: Angharad (Annie), a red headed tri, and Andrew (Drewie-dog), a sable. Both have gone to Rainbow Bridge but I still miss them very much.

Comment Wall:

  • Nancy Geddes

    Dear Beezie and family: Welcome to our family! We are a three-corgi home: Bear, Tasha and Linus. Bear is almost nine, Tasha is nearly seven and fluffy Linus will be two in January. It's busy, busy, go, go, go! Seems like we are always doing obedience, agility, herding and, heaven help me, corgi nails! Remember, if you have any questions about living with Beezie, please post. There really is a wealth of information in this great group. Corgi hugs and kisses from Williamsburg, VA: Nancy, Bear, Tasha (agility queen) and Linus (a fluffy reincarnation of Dudley Moore).
  • Jenni & Dave Fields

    Welcome Beezie!!!
  • Susan

    Hi Beezie! Do you do your own corgi artwork? I love your double trouble corgi icon!
  • Katie

    Beezie, I love your picture. It is so perfect!
  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome Beezie and family!
  • Beezie

    Hi everyone - thank you for the nice welcome from you all. I belonged to MyCorgi once before but was being bothered by someone who seems to no longer be a member so I have come back and am very glad to be here. I missed this forum very much and look forward to making new friends.


    I'll respond to you all personally as soon as I can. There is a virus in this house and I've got a couple sick people I'm running after but it shouldn't be too long.
  • Lucy Hicks

    Welcome to you both!!!
  • Pa'ani

    I LOVE the picture!! so cute! it looks just like them!
  • Susan

    Hi ya back...hope everyone gets to feeling better down there. Did you get any of the rain fallout from TX? We actually had a rainy weekend in northeastern Indiana...but not sure if it was from the hurricanes! hehee. Anyway, hope you don't get the virus in your household. I gave my girl Addie a bath tonight in the kitchen sink, and she looks like a fuzzy bear! Very cute, but, the biscuit jar is considerably lower now! sigh.
  • Nancy Geddes

    Dear Susan and Beezie: I hope that you will come back to visit Williamsburg and we would then have the pleasure of meeting you and sitting down with a Pimms Cup! (from the description, you may have been at The Trellis or perhaps in one of the garden taverns in Colonial Williamsburg?) My mother was a master gardener here so I have also inherited the desire to pull weeds! Mom was nearing the rainbow bridge when I got Tasha from a kennel in Smithfield and I remember the smile on her face when she met my pup. Beezie's pictures brings back those bittersweet memories. Now, that was six years ago and Tasha is my alpha girl with Bear the curmudgeon and Linus my fluffy fool. Tasha has earned her therapy title and is in novice agility running on top of the tunnel instead of through it! She's always the rebel racing straight to the A-frame when we are to do the tire....
    My paternal family was based in Rockford and there are times that I dearly miss the Forest City and my grandfather's ranch in Winnebago County (I could have raised a gazillion corgis out there!).

    So, in your travels, come to Virginia and have dinner at my house (I'm a Certified Executive Chef by profession) and we can walk our beautiful corgis proudly down Duke of Gloucester Street in Colonial Williamsburg where people, usually at a loss for words when seeing my oncoming triple corgi wedge say, "Aren't those the dogs the Queen has?".
    Corgi hugs from Bear, Tasha and wee Linus (and, of course, the outnumbered human, Nan). P.S. We are attending the NC Corgi picnic this coming weekend and all three corgis have their Virginia Tech football jerseys for the parade! Now, this might be a foolish thing being in the heart of Tarheel country. (My daughter Kate is a senior at VT and is driving from Blacksburg to join me!)
  • Florence

    Hello hello Beezie,
    I just saw your message, sooooo late, SORRY !!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I was just very busy with too many things, but I'm back, and happy to "see" you again !

    Love from Florence in Japan,
    and love too from Nana and Uyanga !
  • Boots and Superstar!

    i like the photo of her sleeping under the drawer!haha!
  • Cristi

    My new little girl's name is also Beezie! Hello to your Beezie.