
43, Female

Watsonville, CA

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
A relatively new corgi fan. I work with ornamental plants and the people who grow and sell them. Growing up on a dairy farm fostered my love of all things living, and I especially like working with animals. I am outgoing, adventurous, and active, so corgis seemed like a great breed for my first dog. My husband grew up with coonhounds, and was skeptical of a "small" dog, but he finds corgis to be as neat as I do!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
I have two corgis: Junebug and Elvis
Junebug is my first corgi. She's now 3, and we have had some serious fun together. I love corgis, and am thrilled when I see another one. However, Junebug is very small....16 lbs! But her personality is not limited by her size. She's all corgi! Fetch is her favorite activity, but we also walk, swim, rollerblade, and hike. She's a good student, having successfully completed her first obedience class and is now working on a repetoir of tricks. But mostly, Junebug is nuts :)

Elvis is much like his namesake: relaxed, handsome, self-confident, and good with the ladies (maybe when he gets older he'll develop a fondness for sequins and polyester??)

On a visit home, we were out on the horses. June was riding in the cart, but she wanted out. She kept up with my horse for a bit, but clearly wanted UP! I stopped and put her in the saddle with me, and she rode there like she was born there, even though it was her first experience with horses.
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • WhiteDove

    Welcome Bonny. . .my Corgis also love playing--especially with their stuffed toys. . .I think between the 3 of them they must have at least 75 stuffed toys. . .they're always getting new toys from friends. . . .
  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome Bonny! Glad to have another member from NY, the group is getting bigger :) feel free to ask us questions!
  • Corgi Mom

    Welcome Bonny! That's okay about Junebug's size. At 5'1" one of my favorite sayings is that dynamite comes in small packages. :-)
  • Sam Tsang

    he he he, i wish i was in NY, i meant there's a few members from the NY area here :) type in new york in the seach box and you'll be able to digg them up! Must be kinda cold up there now right? My wife's currently in Toronto and she said it's gonna snow this weekend.
  • Tess

    Thanks for the invite on here!
  • Christopher Zincone & Monty!

    Hi Bonny & Junebug!

    Since Junebug is 2, she's @ the perfect age to start training Agility. I know that places exist out by you, but I don't know exactly where or who to contact. Please try this website and Email Lise Pratt Good luck!
  • Tess

    Hi Bonny! We still have to get together with the dogs!
  • Vladimir

    very very very cute corgi! What a face! :-)
  • Erin

    Your puppies are so adorable!!
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Hi Bonny,

    Congratulations on your newest addition. Your corgis are so cute! I love the Halloween photo, so adorable. Where did you find that adorable costume?
  • Kitty's Corner

    Hi Bonny~the pics of Junebug and Elvis are sooo cute!You can kinda see what's going on.I must say... this part of Oregon is beautiful,think summer finally arrived.
    My honey is working hard and putting in long hours,these days,with the landscaping.We enjoy the out doors and spend alot of time there.
    My honey,too,was doubtful of having a small,short legged dog,but,he dearly loves Kitty.She is the sunshine around our place!
  • Kona

    Junebug reminds me of Kona a lot. She is small too.. 13lbs at 9 months. small corgis rock!
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Hi Bonny, thanks for your advice I appreciate it. It is so wierd because he doesnt always act like that, that is why it is hard to figure out, I think he just wants to be where the fun is and not to be left out! It also confuses me why he jumps up at me, when he thinks something is not right, isnt he suppose to be the one protecting us, lol!!!
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    I love your pictures, Junebug and Elvis are adorable! Love the picture of the horses, how beautiful. Oh and the Halloween hat and accessories, too cute, where did you find that!
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Hi Bonny! Thanks for your great compliment on Lance. Corgis are the best. Have a great Thanksgiving.
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Thanks for the friend add. I need to update his photos on my page, I was taking pictures today and he is just a little stinker.....not liking the camera, he really never did, I always had to bribe him....but not as much anymore. It seems as though he really is starting to not like the camera again and I love pictures! He makes me laugh, because he purposely looks away from the camera when he knows I am going to take his picture, I think thats why he has such cute ears.....lots of ear shots today, I am going to have to post them. lol
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Lance can sit pretty still.....but still just look away from the camera....its not that he cant sit still he just doesnt want his picture taken! He just turned 3 so he doesnt have as much puppy energy....but still has enough. He has always been on the calm side though! I've heard cardis can be calmer than pems. Gotta love em all.
  • SqueakyPink

    It's not too bad, about an hour and a half. Do you know where Kanawha Falls is?
  • astro, starla, joleene & jason

    elvis!!!!! i love it!!!! we were thinking lucy and ricky for my 2 but we didnt want to stray too far from their pound names. elvis was definitely an option- especially since we had a trip planned to graceland- but Astro stuck when he responded.
    they are adorable!
  • Simi Corgi Girl

    Your Corgis look amazingly like my two!
  • Corgibyassociation

    Cute babies!
  • Bonny

    Haha, is your name really Bonny? I've never met anyone who had the same spelling as me. Cool! Your corgis are adorable!
  • Lucy's & Emma's Mom

    We got Lucy from a add in the paper. She was my Christmas gift last year. I don't think we got her from Ethan though, she has papers...but they are somewhere I my house, Im going to try to find them and I will let you know more information.