


China, mainland

Profile Information:

About Me:
Who loves CORGI so much!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
COCO is absolute sarmt, pretty and a adorable girl. She is 4 month old now, can follow the command: watch me,sit,drop off,go,stay. She will bark when anyone knock the door or push the bell and someone walks on the steps.... She likes retrieving games, and tug toys.
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Butter

    Welcome! Coco is very pretty and smart!
  • Kristen

    Welcome Cindy and Coco. Your Corgi is very beautiful. Did you draw the Corgi picture?
  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome Cindy, Coco and family!
  • Cindy

    thanks for your comments. This Corgi picture is my 10 years old daughter draw. ehehehe.
  • sandra

    that is so special your corgi pic....she is soo cute, playing with her pink toy, she is such a princess gal...come and join my flickr group here on my corgi and put your pics on flickr too!

    smiles : )

    Quincy n Kaley corgi (1 of 2)

    pic of my son and kaley corgi!
  • Cindy

    okay, I'm coming. heheehe
  • Butter

    Hi Cindy, Thanks for the lovely comment. Are there many Corgis in China? Is Coco a Pembroke or Cardigan; I find it hard to hard to tell when they are puppies.

    I wish Buttercup would bark when someone is at the door, haha
  • Butter

    Hi Cindy, yes I have seen pictures of "Boss" and he is very handsome. I was walking Buttercup last night and I met a group of Chinese women who are in my town for 6 months to work. They really enjoyed patting my dog and the one who could speak English asked the others if they had ever seen a dog like it in China. They said no. So you are right, they aren't very popular in China.

    I live in Prince Edward Island, Canada's smallest province. The population is about 140,000 people. Most people here have never seen a Corgi either, especially a Cardigan. They think that Butter is a "sausage hound", they mean dashound.

    Have a good day. I love your daughter's drawing, she really has talent. You'll have to take some more pictures and put them in with the dog/s pictures so we can see them.

    Have a great day!
  • Butter

    I wish your daughter could draw my dog! It would be so cute!
  • Butter

    Hey Cindy, you are welcome to join the new group I've started called "Inspirational Corgis". It would be great if you posted your daughter's drawing of the Corgi; I know the other members would love to see it. We just started tonight so we don't have many members yet but I am sure we will. Joy
  • Butter

    Cindy, thank you so much for joining the group. I am looking forward to seeing your daughter's picture of Coco in the group. Another group member posted a picture but I am not sure how to.

    I would be so happy if your daughter would draw Butter. My favourite picture of him is where he is holding a bright pink bird toy. The photo is called Tweety Bird and is towards the end of my photo slide show. I don't know how to give you this picture but your daughter could look at My Page. Let me know if it is too hard for her...she could just do the face and the toy. I would love it!!! Thank you and to her also.
  • Butter

  • Butter

    Hi Cindy, I tried to paste the picture in the box below but I can't see it, can you see it?
  • Butter

    Oh no, all of my pictures are on your page...sorry, I don't know how to do just one. Maybe she can look at it here and then you can delete them. Sorry!
  • Butter

    Thanks Cindy, that is the right picture. If it is too hard, tell her not to worry about it. Thanks again.
  • Butter

    Thank her so much for me, Cindy? What is her name? Joy
  • Butter

    Hi Cindy, please tell your daughter that there is no rush in drawing Buttercup. Just whenever she has time, that is all.

    Are you going to the Olympics?
  • Butter

    Hi Cindy, I just saw the opening ceremony for the Olympics. They were so beautiful and spectacular; you must be very proud of your country!!!! Joy
  • Susan

    You have a darling little corgi Cindy. I hope that you're able to enjoy the Olympics as we all are here in the US. Thank you to your country for hosting the events.
  • Zed

    Your Coco and my Zed look alike. Both very nice dogs.
  • Butter

    Hi Cindy, just dropping by to say "hi" and to look at Coco's pictures again. She is so pretty. I wish I could find those cakes here...they are so cute but I am afraid that my 47 pound Butter would swallow one!!! Joy and Baby Butter :)
  • Butter

    Tell Jessie a big THANK YOU from me. I think she is an amazing artist. She has quite an imagination to draw the picture on a black background. I love all the bright colours. You must be very proud of her!!!!
    Yes, Baby Butter (I call him Baby as a joke because he is too big to be a baby, haha) has a very big bone structure and lots of muscles. He isn't overweight. He is 9 years old and from the older type of breeding of Cardigans. Now, breeders are breeding them smaller, maybe because they are more for house pets. Did you know that Cardigans are becoming extinct? I am pretty sure that COCO is a Cardigan. It is great we have them. Joy
  • Butter

    Cindy, guess what? I was able to save the picture to my desktop and upload it to my photos. Check out MyPage and Jessie's picture is the first one. I am so excited. Joy :)
  • Butter

    Hey Jessie, go to the picture you drew on MyPage and someone left a very nice compliment about you underneath the picture. Have a nice evening! Joy
  • Butter

    One last thing, I was able to put the picture on the Inspirational Group also, so everything is working well!
  • Butter

    Hi Jessie, thank you for the sweet picture. I am glad that you like Little Butter but no, he isn't very little. He weighs 47 pounds. I wish he could wear little shoes but I don't think they make them that big!!!
    I was thinking yesterday I wonder if I could find some shoes for him for the winter....we get a lot of ice and snow here and he slides. I think he needs little boots with studs so he doesn't slide down the road.
    I love COCO, she is so pretty.
    Keep drawing, you are such a great drawer! Take care, Joy and Baby Butter
  • Tammey & Caven

    Wow, What a cutie Coco is and Jessie is a great artest. I love the picture of Buttercup. Good work Jessie. Y'all have wonderful photos thanks for sharing.
  • Butter

    HI Cindy and Jessie, well I looked in the pet store for shoes to fit Butter and they were all too small. I did see some pretty pink ones but they weren't as cute as Coco's. Cindy, I know Jessie must be busy with school....just tell her when you get a chance. Take care, Joy and Baby Butter
  • Butter

    Hi find out how to wave, read my blog about "waving". Poppet taught it to himself. He may not have cool shoes like COCO but he is famous for his happy "wave". Have a good night, Joy and Poppet
  • Butter

    PS COCO should be a model, she is so pretty!
  • A & P

    Hi Cindy, Coco is beautiful! My husband and I were in Shanghai in 2004 and the food was wonderful! My Penelope is also the "protector" of the family, barks when someone is at the door or walking too close. Corgis just got to love them!
  • Butter

    Those special effects are amazing!! What on-line program do you use? I just looked at all of Coco's pictures again, she always makes me smile! Joy
  • Butter

    Is COCO a Cardigan or Pembroke? Joy
  • Butter

    Wow, Coco looks so much like a Cardiganl; sometimes it is hard to tell. My husband and I enjoyed looking at her pictures last night.
    Thanks for the website. I just quickly did one picture of is so much fun!! When I have more time I'll have to try some more. Thanks again, Joy
  • Butter

    Cindy, I had a lot of fun with Photofunia! Thanks for sharing! Check out my pictures. Canada is having an election on October 14th and I have made Butter out to be running to be the Prime Minister. haha Joy and Butter (for Prime Minister!) Yeah for Butter!~
  • Butter

    Cindy, I love your Thames Town pictures. Tell me more about Thames Town...Joy :)
  • Butter

    Hi Cindy, I loved looking at the Thames Town site. It is a pretty amazing concept. People live in the town, too? It is pretty impressive. I bet you had a wonderful vacation? Joy
  • Butter

    Hi Cindy...yes, it is getting cold. Last night it was about -4 degrees Celsius. It will get MUCH colder than this. Butter loves the cold (so far, anyway). He loves to run in the snow. I haven't taken any photos of him in the snow but I will. The first time he saw snow this year, he barked; he was so excited.

    I don't think he needs shoes; his feet are made for these temperatures. We would have similar weather to Wales, where he is from. I dry his feet off when he comes in from snow or rain.

    YEs, I LOVE is so much fun. I did another 2 photos. I wish they had more pictures to do. Do you know of any other sites like photofunia. It is like colouring when we were children.

    How warm is it now where you live? Do you get snow where you live?

    Say hi to Jessie and COCO for me and Butter.

    Take care, Joy :)
  • Butter

    Hi are you and Jessie doing? I put some pictures of Butter in the snow. Jessie may like to see them. Do you ever get snow? or have you ever seen it? Just wondering...Joy and Butter
  • Butter

    Happy New Year!!! When is Chinese New Year? I used to go to Chinese New Year celebrations in my home province and always enjoyed them!! Joy and Butter
  • Corgibyassociation

    Happy Chinese New Years! I know it will be next Monday because I'm helping my mom prep for it.