

Tampa, Florida

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
My name is Jen, I live on the west coast of Florida with my mom. Ryan, my boyfriend, lives up in Snohomish, WA with his family. I go to visit him on the holidays, and some time in the middle of the year. We have cats and a corgi here in Florida, while Ryan has a Shepard mix.
I don't get out much because I cannot legally drive, and due to a car accident last year my mobility is hampered. Though you may not be able to tell I suffer from back pains and cannot work. I am however in a wonderful physical therapy program for that. I also have a big problem with depression and even with treatment it seems that the slightest thing can set me off.
Some people may be wondering why I would get a corgi if I am so disabled, but I believe that corgis are special. They are unlike any other dog, in my eyes. I am Scotch/Irish, and I believe greatly in the tales of old, and in the healing powers of animals.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
The little one is a PWC, named Banzai Fuzzybutt. I got my new pup from Celestial Star Kennel. Banzai was born on the 25th of May 2008, and appears to be a well behaved little boy. Or so it appears. He has his moments but I think that he is at THAT age.
I have:

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  • Butter

    PS I just sent you a lonnnnggg private message. when i went into my "sent" to reread it, it didn't appear. Will you please let me know if you actually got it? Tx, Joy
  • Robin Judice

    I love FuzzyButt's name. Too funny! I'd love to join the Healing/Therapy Group. How do I do it?

    I love your taste in music!
  • Shepdog

    Aw, thanks for the comment on my crew, and have fun with your new pup!
  • Dannielle

    its getting close to Banzai time!!! bet ur getting excited! Hope all goes well :o) o by any chance do u know the sites where u saw the zero costumes? I wanted to take a look thanks!!
  • Dannielle

    Okay thanks very very much!:o)
  • Manda and Chloe

    congrats on the new puppy. i hope to be adding a new little fur ball myself.
    where are you getting your puppy from?
  • Manda and Chloe

    i was looking at that site just last night. i really haven't deided yet where i'm gonna get the new puppy from. chloe was a rescue so i've never had to go through all this before, and i just can not believe how expensive these dogs are. but chloe is no where near ready for a new puppy. im sarting her in day care a couple of times a week to try and socialize her a little bit and get her used to other dogs. but even with that im stil a little afraid of how she is gonna react to a new puppy. she is crazy protective of me and even gets onto my boyfriend sometimes.
  • Manda and Chloe

    i've looked at that site a few times over the past couple of weeks. and the idea of another resuce dog is great but i dont want to get an older dog, i want a puppy. chloe was already almost 5 months old when i got her and i missed out on her cute flffy stage, and the puppy breath and potty training, i missed out on the first months of her life and when i do get another dog i dont wanna miss all that stuff again
  • Manda and Chloe

    i appriciate your help. i'm just still a litte nervous, i just wanna make sure i do this right.
  • Manda and Chloe

    ok, but what if i just wanna pay for him all up front?
  • Manda and Chloe

    yeah, i would never get a puppy from a pet store. thats why ive been looking around for a breeder in florida. i'll definetly keep your suggestion in mind but i want to look around a bit more before i make a decision, and it really will just depend on my gut feeling when start making calls and asking questions, and who has what i'm looking for when i am ready.
  • Jamie Jo

    Are you excited to bring Banzai home in just a few days?! I am excited for you!
  • Reese

    Hahahaha really??? I could tell a little watching all the videos and seeing her in person... she's going to be handful. I hope I can trainer her quick! lol No doubt I will be posting up a storm about what to do with her... so stay tuned. So lucky you get yours on Friday!! I have been tossing my brain around to really tell when it would be best to get her this Friday or next. So tempting to get her this Friday...
  • Reese

    I know... I told Celeste I am going to wait till next week. I hope Reese doesn't terrorize the other pups too much... miss alpha!
  • Reese

    Reese gave Banzai kisses in the last video... I thought that was so cute!
  • Sam Tsang

    Hey Jen, since you and a few other members got your pups from Celeste, how about adding your experience in the breeder's thread? you can follow the format in the announcement area. Thanks!
  • Sam Tsang

    Actually Celeste is quite known in the FL corgi community already, she's been active with the benefit picnic for several years, many rescue folks and FL corgi club already knows her. I gave her the permission to use my video on her site, she has also enlisted my help with the picnic this year in palm bay. Don't worry too much :)
  • Reese

    We don't need our babies having babies... we can leave that to Celeste. Plus, I think that would be incest... not good! How much is your vet charging you for the pet exam?? Just curious... I made an appointment with a Banfield vet, but cancelled it today for another vet (that has decent reviews) since Celeste said on her contract that they shouldn't be brought to Petsmart until they get all their shots. *Sigh* 10 more days.... =(
  • Butter

    Wow, your waiting time is almost over!!! You must be so excited. I can only imagine. Before you get ultra busy, would you please tell me how to use a flea comb. I use Sentinel but it doesn't kill adult fleas; I have found the odd one on my baby and have killed by hand. I think there may be a few more. What is the best "killing" technique and combing technique? Thanks for your help, Joy :)
  • Reese

    Soooo jealous.. .but so excited for everyone! You'll have to let us know how it is.
  • Butter

    Still checking for pics of your new babe!!! You must be busy!!!
  • Butter

    Welcome to the Inspirational Corgi Group! How did your trip and picking up of your puppy go? Are you in your glory?
  • Butter

    Glad to hear everything is going well...can't wait to see pics, I know you must be exhausted though. Take care, Joy :)
  • Tiphanie

    thanks for the add!
  • Tiphanie

    Thats to funny because thats who I named her after!
  • Butter

    Hi, I left you some messages re fleas...hope it helps.
  • Tiphanie

    yeah I'm a big comic dork. lol
  • CassieD44

    Will you be at the meetup tomorrow? I hope you guys don't let the bad experience last time ruin the rest of them for you. =( We are going to go if it's not raining. Hope to see you guys!
  • Manda and Chloe

    aww, your little guy is so cute.
    i love the pic of him sleeping all sprawled out on his back, chloe sleeps like too.
  • Sam & Shelby

    Oh! Bonzai's finally home! I haven't been online for like ever so I've missed everthing! :(
  • Sam & Shelby

    Same here! Except for those darn fleas!
  • Sarah C.

    Don't worry about that guy. I think it was a troll.
  • Sam & Shelby

    We've never had problems other than fleas. Praise the lord, I think they're almost gone. School will start up in a week, though. We may have to have Shelby over at my Grandma's house or just crate her all day (with a few potty breaks). :(
  • Dannielle

    Im as ready as I can be! LoL only 4 more days to go and then Ill be a sleepless puppy mom :o)
  • MagnoliaFly

    Hehe! I'm not stalking you I swear - kept meaning to join this place.
  • MagnoliaFly

    Sweet I'll have to see if I can't get ownership of the group page and update it here. :)
  • Heather

    Hey there! We have the same breeder. I got my red female, Chloe, from Celeste. She is great! Your corgi looks like a FuzzyButt too...how cute! :)
  • Ne

    I like your page. Really cute pictures. I remember when my Merlyn was that little.
  • Butter

    Hi, haven't heard from you in awhile...so how is motherhood? and hows the little one? Joy
  • Butter

    Wow, well the attempts weren't successful (thank God) so that means you are meant to be here. Time for me to start praying for you again. Do you think the stress of a baby puppy maybe affected you?

    I know that when I first got Butter that even though it was exciting, it was still a stress and it affected me for about 6 weeks or so.

    Did you get anywhere with your disability or are things at a standstill?

    I wish I knew what to tell you about potty training. I am sure you are doing all the right things but I have heard that Corgis can be stubborn about training. What about talking to Sylvia and Timmy; she knows a lot about training dogs using a positive framework. She is very helpful to me and I am sure may have some good ideas.

    Banzai is a beauty, that is for sure.

    I haven't been well myself and have been off the site for about 2 weeks. Sometimes we just need a break from the Internet; it can get a bit all-consuming.

    I really hope that you are doing better...take care...missed talking to you. Was wondering if you were ok. Joy
  • Dannielle

    LMAO that is exactly what it looks like! I never really thought of it that way! Trust me I am the last one u need to worry about with politeness and languauge! LoL Im amazed how much Zero like water every other dog Ive had has been terrified but I just cant keep him away its gotten to the point where his water bowl cant be left unattended anymore! :o) So how is Banzai doing? He is such a handsome lil devil!
  • Butter

    Hi, I just looked at your beach pictures. Wow, Banzai is really growing...he is too adorable. Looks like you had a great day; what beautiful pictures. It was sweet seeing all those Corgis on the beach/in the water. Then there was the picture of the pug admist them. Too sweet. We originally went searching for a pug and came home with a Corgi. HOw are you doing today? Joy
  • MagnoliaFly

    Yeah the weather seems to be getting cooler :) Bernie and Basil mostly run around too but it is fun to watch them run over the equipment too sometimes. You can also tag along to puppy play group at the dog training school I go to sometime if you want, its for puppies 12 months or younger and it is supervised. (The small dogs get the air conditioning to run around in!) Those happen every Saturday from 2:30 - 3:15. I can get a few cards so you get in free a few times, after that its $5 per session.

    If I go to Rowlett it'll probably be Saturday mornings before Ringo wakes up to let the doggies wear out some energies. do you want me to e-mail you my number? I can call or text you if I'm thinking about going.
  • Butter

    That's good to hear!!!
  • Ne

    They just light up your life don't they? They are so much fun to watch. Merlyn still is my baby and he's has always been such a cuddler and smush. I tell my husband that Merlyn is the love of my life. lol My husband laughs.
  • Butter

    Hi Jen, just wondering how you are doing...still praying for you. Hope the little one is taking to his potty training and that you are finding life easier than it has been. Take care of yourself, miss seeing you on the site but understand if you don't want to be here. Joy
  • MagnoliaFly

    I added some videos of Banzai and Basil at the beach and at playgroup - take a look on my page!
  • Jamie Jo

    Banzai is growing up so fast!
  • Dannielle

    Cant wait to see u and Banzai at the picninc :o)
  • Dannielle

    Aww Im sorry to hear that. But there is always next year. Hopefully thing might still work out for you though :o)