
, Female


United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
Bibi's devoted sponsor.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Bibi was born on 8/4/07, and is my first corgi. She is very smart, but a little stubborn at times. She is very patient with me and a wonderful companion. She loves to see me come home from work no matter what time it is.
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Corgi Mom

    Welcome to the group! Hope to see pictures of Bibi real soon. It's such a cute name. :-)
  • Cindi

    Glad to have you and Bibi! Welcome. Can't wait to see pics.
  • Sam Tsang

    Hey Dom, I'm not currently in Philly, my wife and I travel a lot. We are on the Philly corgi group mailing list, click on the website button and you can find out how to join the philly group. As the creator of this site, I create group and link owners to their regional groups, so that they can meet with other owners. If you would like to start your own group just create one :) Hope you enjoy this site!
  • robin

    Hi there!! Yes, Foxi still has her tail. she was the only one in the litter that did not get docked and I loved it so much and thatsone of the reasons I picked her. I doesnt change anything about her personality or anything, she still soo darn sweet and lovable!!! she's almost 6 months now and I will be taking some more pict of her to post. Bibi is adorable and is 3 days older than Foxi. Her b-day is 8-7-07 thats neat!!!! take care!
  • Lisa and Lucy

    Hi Dominique, it's great to know someone else who lives in Ardmore with their Corgi! BiBi is so cute, I love the picture of her and the pumpkin! My corgi Lucy is a year and a half and we also go to Haverford college sometimes to run around. I've never heard of the other park though, where is it? Maybe we can meet up sometime to let them have a play date!
  • Dominique

    So. Ardmore Park is off of Wynnewood Road, take a left on Spring Street if you're going toward Havertown on Wynnewood - real big park. Would like to meet for a play date...when it gets warmer - SO nasty right now...
  • Heather

    Hey Dominique. I have some that were given to me by the breeder of her when she was a tiny baby. I have to get the others off of the camera. I like this one becasue she reminds me of one of those big dog cards.
  • juliette

    hi Dominique.
    thank you
    you have a cute corgi to.
    what do you mean?
    all of our corgi's don't have a tail!
  • juliette

    yes the puppies have tails.
    Because in the Netherlands we are not allowed by law to dock the tails.
    Therfor we have to concentrate on breeding natural bobs, because we don't like tails!!
    by the corgi's
  • Becca [Formally Siduri]

    In discussing the adoption with the rescue people, they stressed that Corgis can become difficult without proper training and socialization. They said we can have a "honeymoon" period and then he may try to test his limits. Of course, that may never happen. They just told me to watch for it and make sure we keep to the "rules."

    I have dubbed it the Cogi crazies...haha.
  • Greg Zaffuto

    Thanks for the comments... I've had Nick for almost a year now and it wouldn't be the same without him. Had to board him for 2 nites when he was getting his heartworm treatment and I couldn't wait to get him back home. I love the pics of your Bibi...she is so cute. GZ
  • Nicole & Baxter

    Aw thanks Dominique, I'm so happy to have him in da haus! Heheh, Bibi is a beautiful girl! Love your photos! She looks like a character lol.
  • morningstar

    thanks Dominique! I love the picture of your corgi where its back legs are crossed! Hunter used to that when we first got him but he never does it now.
  • Melissa

    "happiness is a warm puppy"

    Haha! That's awesome. Any corgi owner who quotes the Beatles is my kind of corgi owner!
  • Heather

    Hi Dominique! There's going to be a charity dog walk to benefit Main Line Animal Rescue next weekend at a place out near Valley you think we could round up a few people to go? you can check out details at

    Bibi is such a cutie...I bet this year has gone by so fast for you both :)
  • Heather

    If you're available, the Philly Area Corgi picnic will be June 14th at Hibernia Park in Chester County. We have LOTS of Corgi frinds coming to that would be great if you could come, too!
  • Dominique

    wow, that sounds great!
    is there a website or something where I could get more details?
  • Kim

    Thanks for the welcome! I saw that you joined the meetup, hope to see Bibi there!
  • Danielle

    Please join our group - Philadelphia Area Corgis! We plan to have some meetups in the park this summer!
  • Julie & Chila

    Thank you. It's a view over San Francisco.
  • Melissa & Gary

    Thank you for the welcome
    Bibi is adorable ! I love the spot on her nose ! what a face !
  • Mim

    Thanks! There's nothing better than a corgi in bed with you - a fluffy water bottle that snores!

    I LOVE that picture of Bibi on the pumpkin! So cute :]
  • Chelsey

    Thanks. Bibi is adorable. =)
  • Alina

    There's something so relaxing about watching a corgi sleep :)
  • Mochi

    I call Autumin a mini because she only weighs 15lbs! Shes smaller than any corgi I have ever come across.
  • Mochi

    Thanks I think she is adorable too! She looks like she has gray spots on her hind end in photos but its actually really sparse hair over scar tissue. Autumn was 95% scabs and open wounds from mange when she was rescued from being put down at a shelter.
  • Matt & Hilliary

    Thanks for the welcome!
  • Bonny

    Well, you're not supposed to take dogs ino Fred Meyer, but since almost all of my friends are Fred Meyer empoyees, I do it anyway. Lots of people bring their dos i.
  • Tim England

    Thank you so much for the kind words. We have had several vets and trainers say that she looks like she has border collie. She is so fluffy!

    thanks for the welcome! funny you should say that bout the wheels, mazie hurt her back a while ago and had wheels! she didnt like at all!
  • Ein

    just a neuter. we used a pain patch instead of oral meds. the bandage was just to keep someone from chewing it off! lol
  • Gia and me

    hey!!! Thank you!!!! for you comment!! I though Welsh Corgi is one of the best breed... I very proud to have one
  • Denise

    Thanks for the welcome! Both of my babies are rescue dogs.
  • Nancy C. Lord

    Pippin and her mom say HI from Florida....hope your keeping warm in Philly!
  • Mike

    Your dog is very cute! Wonderful photos!
  • Debbie Landrie

    Thanks. I will try and load some more photos.
    This is my first corgi page that I have joined.
  • Anna

    lol! she doesnt like you to touch ne where near it.
  • Abbea and Vivi

    Well, I didn't make it.. Sadly I just found the picture on google images and thought it was cute so I saved it. I tracked down the source after a long time searching again and it came from here:

    Unfortunately there is no corgi doll in the shop but the boston terrier one looks about the same.
  • Abbea and Vivi

    No problem. I kinda felt bad for stealing an image (it was on too though...) so I decided to change my picture.
  • Paula Hess

    Thank you! If your ever in the Harrisburg area.... leave me a comment and maybe the pooches can meet.
  • Kristenny

    Yes, very much so. :( My best friend needs to find a home for his 2yr old little girl by tomorrow, or her temporary home will turn her over to a shelter, basically. He recently lost his apartment and is crashing with friends and has no one to take her, and the temp home he thought would carry them through until he found a place that accepts dogs said they just can't anymore, effective today. He loves her and his other dog (who I may have to take in) like they're his children, and he's a really great guy in a really crappy situation. I'm trying my hardest to help him place her, even if just temporarily. He's in Ohio (where the temp home was) now, coming back to St Louis tomorrow. Any suggestions? :(
  • Miller!

    thanks! yes we looove to hike and bibi is so cute!
  • Kristenny

    I think it might be taken care of..fingers crossed!!! A rescue in Dayton has offered to place her - he's going to meet with her this afternoon. Thank you for the support! :)
  • The Littles

    that is soooo cute how she crosses her back legs!
  • Glori

    Aw thanks! You sure are!
  • Jay

    ya but it's worth it she is the best!!
  • Josie

    Hello. Yes, definitely more Corgi than Pom. We picked her up at New Jersey's Cumberland County SPCA in Vineland. (856-691-1500).