
Homewood, IL

United States

Profile Information:

Chicago area
About Me:
Still married with corgi... and wouldn't know what to do without the little twinkle toes.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
my baby was born october 2007 she is a cute fur ball
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Carol Braitman

    Hi Winnie,
    Welcome to the group! You are adorable!
  • Cindi

    Welcome! How cute?!
  • Florence Fong

    Your Winnie is cute as a button! By the way, this is not my Ritz. Yet to upload his pics.
  • Sam Tsang

  • Corgi Mom

    Welcome to the group! What a cutie!
  • Lauren + Winston

    awww winnie is so cute. i have a male corgi named winston and sometimes i call him winnie.
  • WhiteDove

    Welcome Winnie. . .you cutie pie!!!
  • Ginny and Diggory

    Ginny was terrified her first time in puppy class, too... I've also been taking her every week to "puppy social hour" which is just a time for puppies to PLAY and tumble around for an hour. It took her several times going before she really felt comfortable and now she loves it and can hold her own even with the big dogs! It's hilarious watching little Ginny take on the great big German Shepherd pups. I wish you good luck! Winnie is so cute (we have those same chewy keys)
  • Sam & Maximus

    Winnie is very cute. My little Max was born in October 2007 also. Not quite 6 steps for Max but he has just learned, today, to get up on the couch where his blanky is.
  • winnie_the_dog

    thank you all for all your sweet comments about my baby. this site has become a guilty pleasure.
  • Karen & Bailey

    Hi! what an adorable lil pup you have there, seems to be quite an einstein too! how's winnie's cold coming along? I read in one of your blogs that she had one earlier this month, and I am suspecting the same for my Bailey, hes's only 8 weeks. Did you give him anything? He started with a runny nose and that's gone (Vet said to just keep a lookout for abnormally colored discharge). He has a little snort here and there. He's eating, playing and eliminating just fine, but I was just wondering if you guys gave Winnie anything or just let it pass on its own?
  • Karen & Bailey

    thanks! thats what my vet said too, just watch and see how it progresses. it seems like he's doing better. he's never lacked in the energy dept. lol. =P

    thanks again!
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Winnie is so cute, love the picture of winnie with the keys. Lance had those same keys when he was a puppy. He loved them, he went through several pairs!!
  • Bella

    We're in the city. How about you?
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Winnies Birthday is in October, what day? Lance's Birthday is October 30, 2005!
  • Bob Dog

    Winnie is a cutie. Love the facial markings!
  • Jamie

    Aw Winner is so cute! Yay for another Chicago corgi mom :)
  • Jenni & Dave Fields

    Homewood is not far at all. I am at 9500 north, just off of Cicero Avenue. It would be fun to meet up...spencer is just 5 1/2 months old now...we are really enjoying him!
  • Shannon

    just a little rain here hahahaha, Had some flooding problems but not bad here. Love the pics of your corgi
  • Kelly

    It's about an hour west of Chicago. Where south of the city? I used to live in Northwest Indiana :)
  • Kelly

    Oh cool, I used to take figure skating lessons at the ice rink there :)
  • Kelly

    I got Gibson from a breeder in central Wisconsin :) Where did you get Winnie? I had the hardest time finding a breeder around here!
  • Christina Grinius

    Thank you again! I'm really glad you attended my corgi picnic. It was fun to meet all the corgi owners, although next year I will provide name tags for the humans and corgis!! Couldn't keep track of everyone!! LOL
  • Winnie

    Your comments were right that Joey and I have been together for 5 months the bond is developing that makes me very glad I adopted Joey.
    This is difficult to admit (being a long-time Sheltie owner) but this has been quite an amazing experience with this 9 y/o Corgi...he is funny, playful and as durable as iron. Joey loves to play ball with me and is becoming less "distant". There are so many clever things about Joey that I am in danger of finding another, and another...........remember Tasha Tudor had 8 of them!
  • Lauren + Winston

  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Hi!! Did you see the main page for the chicago corgi meetup info?