

Weare, NH

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
I live in Weare NH with my husband, three dogs, five cats and two horses. We have one 6 year old Pembroke Welsh Corgi named Marley. Marley has two sisters. Tessie is a 6 year old mix shepherd/hound type that we adopted who is also wonderful! And a then Lucy who is a 2 year old Dachshund whom we also adopted. She gives Marley a run for her money in the bossy little dog department :)
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Marley is 6 1/2 years old now and is a wonderful little girl! I got her from a breeder in Maryland. Drove her back when she was about 12 weeks old. My husband and I just love her. She is a wonderful dog with an incredible amount of personality. She is always eager to please.
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome Becky, Marley and family
  • CaptainCorgi

    Very cute Corgi! Love the smile <3
  • CaptainCorgi

    Thanks from Eowyn and I *corgi hugs*
  • Kate

    Becky, your pup looks like a cross between my two. She's adorable (and so is the mix)! Two dogs, four cats, and two horses, sounds like my dream!
  • Jennifer

    Your corgi is so adorable!We try to go every saturday..lately it has been later in the day like around 1 or 2 pm, but we are going to try and start going earlier since lately it is so hot!! I will keep you posted for when we are going...I think harry would have fun playing with another Corgi since our cats won't play with him!
  • Sandy

    Thank you for the comment! Sandy is beloved to all that meet her. Marley is uber cute and I can definitely tell she is a very happy little girl!
  • Kristen

    I just saw your new photo of Marley. She is such a pretty little girl. Her buddy Tessie is cute as well. Marley looks so feminine and refined. I'm envious of all of you corgi owners that live near the ocean. Walks on the beach with the Corgis would be heaven! We too have ducks, cats and horses (full size and mini!) plus a few geese. Time with animals is added to your life!
  • Jennifer

    I am not sure yet....we are supposed to help a friend move... I am thinking we might go on Sunday afternoon instead this week...I will let you know!! I should know by later today :)
  • Jennifer

    Hello :) We will be at the dog park this Saturday around 3...
    It's K9 Country on 101 right on the Amherst /Bedford line. It is actually right at a blinking yellow light so it is easy to find! Hope we can meet up!
  • Kona

    Marley is so cute. Small Corgis rock!
  • Stephanie & Lola

    Hey Becky, I see your working in Manchester. I am probably moving up there in the next few months to stay with my father. Where do you work??
  • Dusty

    I love your pup she is just beautiful.
  • Jane

    Becky I see that you left a message for me but I don't know where it is. Can you help me to find it? June
  • Jane

    Hey, I found out where the messages come in.

    Becky, so glad you might come to the Kingston Park on the 4th. We may have another Marley there, who is a cardigan.
    Just inside the main gate we will likely be on the side lawn.
    We will probably be going back toward the woods eventually. where there is a picnic table.
  • Caitlin

    Hi Becky, my name is Caitlin, I came down from Brunswick, Maine for the corgi meetup today with Penny, my 6 month old pup. It was really nice to meet you and Marley today! She is really cute. Hopefully we will see you at other meetups.
  • Avery

    Thank you, and Marley is beautiful!! Have you seen the movie Marley & me??? I saw it tonight and it was very good!
  • Avery

    Thanks! i just saw the movie marley and me! you have to see it! Yours Marley is beautiful!!
  • Summer, Mindy, and Milo

    Marley is so cute! The best thing about Corgis is their hilarious and varied personalities. I bet Marley is a real character. :) Thanks for the comment on Mindy's profile!
  • Ryan and Darwin

    I love the pic of him in the autumn leaves... so gorgeous!