Mick . irl



Profile Information:

Kilcullen. Ireland
About Me:
My name is Mick. I am married with 2 kids ( Boys ) and 2 corgies, Pems. Now recently an addition. A Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier Bitch called " Daisy "
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
I have 2 Pembrokes. Alfie a 12 year old dog that really thinks he pays the mortgage etc. and acts like a 6 month old. and Missy, our 11 year old bitch. So sweet but in pain at the moment with an obvious back condition. The poor girl is like an s hook sometimes. 20-1-09. Update. She is doing great.
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • WhiteDove

    Welcome Mick . irl. . . .can't wait to see pics of your precious fur babies. . .how's it going in Ireland. . .VERY cool!!!
  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome Mick, Alfie and Missy!
  • Kristen

    Welcome to MyCorgi. Alfie and Missy are beautiful. So sorry about Missy's back problems. She still looks like a happy girl.
  • Kristen

    I'll keep you and Missy in my thoughts and prayers. Hopefully the Vet will have some hopeful news. It is so hard to see our little friends in pain.
  • Melissa

    I hope you get some good news about Missy! She and Alfie are cute little puppers. And it's all so beautiful! The dogs, the house, the scenery...very picturesque.

    (I love the rugby ball, by the way!)
  • Mikko (& Danielle too)

    Welcome Mick! I'm a newcomer as well, this is a wonderful community to join. Love the photos, your dogs are beautiful! ~ Danielle & Mikko
  • Kristen

    Mick, how did Missy's vet appointment go? I've been keeping you all in my thoughts. Best to you.
  • Kristen

    "Without the pain is good news. I'm not much a fan of the aging process myself. So glad it is better.
  • Alicia Byrd

    Hi Mick, that is funny that you say that, Cooper is actually just a bigger version of his father. He is marked identical to his father. His father was about 10 lbs, and 2 in. smaller than him. His mother was a tall red and white. He is the light of my life! Good luck with your little girl, I know the pain of not being able to help them. I lost my little girl about 2 years ago to back problems and she was only 8 years old. Beautiful pictures by the way, Ireland is one place I would really love to visit!
  • Mikko (& Danielle too)

    Hi Mick ~ sorry it's taken a while for me to respond! Yes, Mikko is our first corgi, and he will be old enough to come home with us around June 8. We just heard from the breeder that he is a ball of energy and the "leader of the pack"! I have a feeling we'll have our hands full, so we better enjoy our last few weeks of peace and quiet around here. :) How do you handle your Alfie? Any tips on handling a determined corgi?
  • Cindi

    Hi Mick. I cannot begin to tell you how jealous I am that you live in Ireland!!! I'm of Irish ancestry and I'd give my right arm to be able to live there. We've even talked about how much it would cost for us to plan to retire and move. But, alas, I would have to win the lottery! So, I continue to drool and pine...and live my life vicariously through my Irish friends. Welcome to mycorgi!
  • Melissa

    Definitely hot here in South Texas! I was practically melting at the beach the other day. In any case, though, my little nutter's a sable...just a light black streak down her back.
  • Alicia Byrd

    Hey Mick! How's it going? Haven't seen or heard from you in a while. Was thinking about your sweet little Missy today. How is she doing? Great pictures that you have added by the way! Anyways, just stopping by to say "Hi".