Susan Stanton


Lakeside, CT

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
I am a single financial editor who works out of my home in rural CT. So thank goodness for dogs -- they are the best company, and I've met the nicest people while walking them in the trails and woods nearby!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
I have two fabulous pups -- Bertram Wilberforce Wooster ("Bertie"), a tri born in May 2004, and his little niece, Ethel Barrymore ("The Devil"), born in November, 2007. They are the happiest, friendliest little dogs with great senses of humor and a strange psychic ability to convince me that they are starving 2 minutes after dinner.
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome Bertie, Ethel, Susan and family!
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

    LOL..welcome to Corgi motherhood..they are the poster child for Jenny Craig.
  • Sam Tsang

    I love your pics, especially the ones where they sleep on their backs, adorable :)
  • Susan

    Awww...Bertie and Ethel are beautiful! Love the pic of Ethel in her boudoir! Ha ha...
  • Wendt Worth Corgi's

    LOL..Boy do I hear you loud and clear. I was the same way w/my horses and now that I have the Corgis I have a driven obsession. LOL I've mentioned an anonymous corgi group but we all agree we don't have a problem..its everyone else whose got the issue. hehe
  • Corgi lover! (Misty)

    Oh they are the cutest! I just love corgis! Welcome! How did you do the Worhal of Bertie? I love that!
  • Karen

    Corgis are the BEST! And they are SO cute when they're little! ;-)
  • LaVerne & Shirley

    Beautiful dogs! I also love the names you chose. Ethel and Great pictures too. The last picture of Bertie with his ears sliding off of his head makes me
  • Corgi lover! (Misty)

    LOL I just noticed I spelled Warhol wrong! LOL I really do know how to spell! Honest! LOL Anywho I got the little corgi butt icon at but if you go to my page and click on it it will actually take you to the site. Have a great day!
  • Corgi lover! (Misty)

    I don't mind at all! I love that little butt too! LOL
  • The Littles

    Hello! I'd still love to get my dogs in some snow!!! Those pics of yours in the snow are sooo cute!!
  • Geri & Sidney

    Thank you for your comment regarding Sidney's "keel over". I originally posted that pic in a thread called "Flat Dog", I think.
  • The Littles

    I bet seeing her dive into icy water is something else. Scary! My Honey loves to jump into the swimming pool.... on the deep end! She sinks so fast but bobs right back up just as fast! It's scary and hilarious all at once! OMG! These corgis, what can you do? Nothing but sit back and laugh. How wonderful it is to be owned by a corgi :)
  • Riley & Sadie

    Yes, what we do for them. What a privilege to belong to a household run by Corgi's!
  • Riley & Sadie

    Have you considered getting another male for Bertie and naming him Jeeves?
  • Colston's & Monster

    Haha! That's hilarious. Monster barks at the end with the credits roll. He barks at the music!
  • Colston's & Monster

    Haha... That's hilarious. Monster will just sit in front of the TV and watch it. Like the puppies on 101 dalmatians!
  • Colston's & Monster

    hahahaa I just read your post on my blog! That's so funny. Yes, Monster gets the whole atmosphere thing going on too... And his burps and farts are audible almost every time!
  • King Koby of the Treasure Coast

    Thanks so much! You should get another one!! They are sooo cute and fun!!
  • magickzzl

    thanks for the comment, I lost piper in november, and the cat a week later, and rearened the next week. terrible month. anywho, I hope to not be corgiless soon but lets see who wanders into my life ;)
  • Geri & Sidney

    No Problem. I can't help you with the hot-wiring thing though.
    To add a picture, first you want the pic to be saved on your computer. Then click on that little picture (looks like a blue and green photo) at the top of the box where you type. A "browse" box will pop up. Click on that and find the photo you want to add. Click "open" and it will put in the destination code for the picture. Then click "add" That's it!
  • Tammey & Caven

    I just saw your Warhol Corgi icon on the pic-a-puppy blog and had to stop by and say good job. That is the coolest Corgi icon I've seen yet.
  • Patti

    "soupcon" - now after a day like i've had you go and throw a $50 word at me. ok, that means you get to bath the loverly little lunatic after tomorrow's adventure! love your comments, and at least we don;t have any goose poop!
  • Tina and Cooper

    Hi,,Im new to my corgi ,,,,your photo stream is wonderful and you have two very beautiful corgi's :o)
  • Tina and Cooper

    Thanks for your sweet comment :o) sounds like you have a house full of fun Corgi's,,thats great,when we get moved and settled in i want to get a try colored corgi too :o) cant wait,Im thinking of a rescue puppy ?? not sure though ill have to see whats out their when im ready,,Pet's are my favorite to photograph,,their a challange lol :o)
  • Patti

    Hey soupcon - kids books would be great - you've got the talent! I've got a kids' book that my daughter used to read somewhere around here, Killer Corgi, or Corgi Kong, something like that - Cover shows a black corgi King Kong size - it's a great book - When I can resume moving from the latest corgi person sit, I'll find it and let you know....
  • Patti

    dogzilla is it! what a great book, and when we had maxie the boston terrier, there were these books, maxie the taxi dog that my daughter just loooooved! but dogzilla rocks! u should write, start a blog, write a few short stories, send 'em off - can't hurt.....