Susan Stanton
  • Female
  • Lakeside, CT
  • United States
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Susan Stanton's Friends

  • David Kops
  • Laura and Tommy Jefferson
  • JDR
  • LaVelda Box
  • Claudette
  • Jess & Willie <3
  • Angela
  • Ace and Jen
  • Gromit, Sparkle, and Doug
  • Peckie and Laura
  • Rebecca Marie O'Bryan
  • elly harper
  • Jackson♥

Susan Stanton's Discussions

Thanks for Corgis!

Started this discussion. Last reply by Laura and Tommy Jefferson Dec 4, 2013. 5 Replies


Susan Stanton's Page

Profile Information

About Me:
I am a single financial editor who works out of my home in rural CT. So thank goodness for dogs -- they are the best company, and I've met the nicest people while walking them in the trails and woods nearby!
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
I have two fabulous pups -- Bertram Wilberforce Wooster ("Bertie"), a tri born in May 2004, and his little niece, Ethel Barrymore ("The Devil"), born in November, 2007. They are the happiest, friendliest little dogs with great senses of humor and a strange psychic ability to convince me that they are starving 2 minutes after dinner.
I have:

Don't you just love the "bunny butt"?

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Susan Stanton's Blog

The Power of the Corgi

Posted on February 14, 2012 at 9:11pm 15 Comments

So at the end of January I went on vacation to Antarctica (sadly, Bertie and Ethel had to stay home, at the local Animal Retreat and Canine Sports Center where they had two play breaks and a snacktivity every day...Judging from Ethel's disappearing waist, the snacktivity was a major hit).  The crossing of the Drake Passage between South America and Antarctica involved a Force 9 storm and major seasickness (such that I seriously considered throwing myself overboard, but since I couldn't…


Queen Elizabeth needs a home!

Posted on April 18, 2011 at 4:06pm 3 Comments

from Petfinder:

QE is just a doll with a mind of her own! Adorable & show quality at 26 pounds, she is a full bred pembroke with not a mean bone in her body. She is the queen, however, and seems to hate outdoor plumbing but we are working on that. Serious inquiries only as she is a very special little dog.   Spayed/Neutered • Up-to-date with routine shots •…

Everything I Need to Know, I Learned from Bertie Wooster

Posted on August 6, 2010 at 3:03pm 14 Comments

Some time ago, one of my god-daughters was going on a weekend retreat before her confirmation (in the Catholic Church), and the organizers asked that their godparents…

Bertie Wooster Is Six Today!

Posted on May 17, 2010 at 7:51pm 6 Comments

Seems like just yesterday I brought home my 8 pound bundle, plopped him in my living room and said, "now what do I do?" ha! Time surely does fly by. We all celebrated with a marrow bone or a little ice cream (although birthday boy had a little of both). No funny hats. He doesn't need to know he and Ethel are going to the boarding place on Wed. so mom can go to a three-day tennis camp on Cape Cod (little b-day prezzie for myself), shhhhhhhhhhhh.

Circus Corgi!

Posted on March 26, 2010 at 7:16pm 6 Comments

A friend who is attached to (read: fanatical about!) her Corgi told me to watch this video on YouTube:

It may just be my middle-aged hormone-driven mood swings, but it made me cry. Of course, I sobbed through the first 10 minutes of the movie "Up" -- and there are quite a few TV commercials that make me teary....sigh. If the maker is on MyCorgi and…

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At 3:29pm on July 7, 2013, Lois B. Allen said…

Your dogs are adorable by the way!!

At 3:27pm on July 7, 2013, Lois B. Allen said…

Susan,  I thought that I saw in another post that you had gotten your dogs in Birmingham, AL.  I just wondered if you got them from Janet Richardson or Linda Muglach?  I have had 3 Muglach dogs.  Thanks,  Lois

At 8:54pm on October 17, 2011, Jayden (Nicole) said…

Sorry if you've already received this I've lost track & am trying to find more CT Corgis! :)  Please join:
We are trying to plan a meet up soon :)

At 1:33pm on December 24, 2010, Kaisdy said…
Hahahahahahaha!!!!!! Thank you for your comment!!!!! Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!!
At 2:55pm on July 14, 2010, Jackson♥ said…
Well since his allergies are only in the fall and the winter, we dont have to worry about giving him that topical spray. Boy is he relieved! haha(: Thats great about your picture, it looks award winning!
At 10:03pm on July 13, 2010, Jackson♥ said…
Cool profile picture! hope we can be friends
At 1:44am on May 18, 2010, Gromit, Sparkle, and Doug gave Susan Stanton a gift
At 9:08pm on May 16, 2010, elly harper said…
Regarding Betsy, her "parents" are Dewy & Deryn. BTW your corgis are of opposite sex, right? We had another female with Duchess ( her niece) and after a few years the younger would start fights & D would finish them. Up to 5 fights before 9am! We had to adopt the little one out to a one dog home. Her new owner had just lost her foster corgi & it worked out beautifully. We are thinking about getting another corgi, but I think a male would be better. Thoughts? (Janet's corgis are gorgeous & we are very happy with MissB.)
At 2:35pm on April 12, 2010, Jill Usher said…
OMG, I love your pics. I, too, live in CT. In Newington. My little guy is Jake.
At 9:21pm on March 26, 2010, Ace and Jen said…
I have no idea... I dont even remember what it was like Before we got our First Dog.. which is funny since it was 10 years ago -wow i have a bad memory lol-

Boarding? Why are they in Boarding for?

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