
44, Female

Northbrook, IL

United States

Profile Information:

Chicago/Northbrook, IL
About Me:
A corgi lover from Chicago! Never had a dog growing up, but once I was old enough and responsible, I had my sights set on getting a Corgi.
About My Corgi(s):
Oliver was born on May 14, 2006. He is the love of my life (and my husband is second. Haha!) and I can't imagine ever being without him!

Comment Wall:

  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome Apryl, Oliver and family! we have a few members in your area.
  • Cindi

    Welcome Apryl and Oliver! Can't wait to see pics!
  • Kristen

    April and Oliver--Welcome. I visited your photo album and your little Oliver is quite the handsome guy!.
  • Kristen

    I can't imagine life without Corgis, but I do fantasize about life with our Corgi hair stuck to everything!
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Welcome Apryl, Oliver and family. Love the picture of your corgi laying by the tennis ball.
  • Natalie, Lance &Tucker

    Yeah another corgi owner from Illinois!!
  • WhiteDove

    Hello Apryl. . .I agree with Kristen, I can't imagine life without my 3 pupsters. . .they have given me so much to look forward to when I get home. . .I've got my videocam set up so I can keep track of them when I'm at work (my boss is a Doctor and has agreed that I should set it up). . .he periodcally comes over and asks, "OK what are they up to now???). . .they are the office Mascots. . .everyone always asks about them and constantly bring them toys and goodies. . .they are spoiled rotten, but I wouldn't have it any other way. . . .LOL. . . yesterday I opened up my screen and saw that Cloe (the baby) had eaten my pillow. . . .I called them on the phone and told her to leave that pillow alone and she hid it under the bed. . . .what a little sneak, as if I wouldn't find it!!!!!. . . .LOLOLOLOL
  • Kate

    I laughed when I read your description. I always joke that my husband loves his car more than me. But that it's ok because I love my dog more than him. Then I say, nah he doesn't really love the car more than me, but I DO love the dog more than him :D
  • Michelle

    Somebody play with that baby!!
  • Arang&Mark

    hi apryl!

    i was wondering if you ever found a carrier for oliver to bring him on the plane. I have also been looking for a carrier and it has been a little disappointing.
  • Jenni & Dave Fields

    nice to see so many Chicagoans here!
  • Cookie Y.

    Was it Carol Reed? How long ago? Maybe your dog and ours are siblings! Wouldn't that be funny?

    Judi (Chicago)
  • Jenni & Dave Fields

    it was nice to meet you yesterday at the picnic. Your corgi is adorable! We had a great time....Spencer was exhausted!