

United States

Profile Information:

Sacramento, CA
About Me:
My boyfriend and I are 20-something year olds, born and raised in Hawaii, went off to college and somehow found our way to Sacramento. We love our little boy and hope to be awesome corgi-parents to Kuma.
Welsh Corgi Breeder?
About My Corgi(s):
Kuma, born April 12, 2008 is an affectionate, people-loving and laid back little boy. His name was "Bear", given by his breeder. We didn't want to change it, but felt Bear was not quite right... we went with our Japanese heritage and chose Kuma (bear in Japanese). We call him "Kuma Bear"... which in translation is really Bear Bear.
I have:

Comment Wall:

  • WhiteDove

    Welcome Lexi. . . .I'm sure you'll enjoy your new fur baby. . .can't wait to see pics of this little bundle of joy. . . .
  • Shannon

    the wait is tough, hope the breeder is sending you lots of pics.
  • Sam Tsang

    Welcome Lexi and family!
  • Shannon

    can't wait to see them
  • Megan and Penelope

    I will let you know how it goes because from where we are meeting, my husband and I will have a 6 hour (yikes) drive home! Thank goodness we don't have to meet the whole way otherwise I would have had to find another breeder because that drive was looking like it would be a little over 8 hours. I can't wait though!
  • Megan and Penelope

    Oh, and thanks a bunch btw!
  • Carmen

    Both puppies are adorable. Enjoy your new puppy! I wish I could get a puppy.
  • James

    House training is really easy, (so far). I hear people with 6mo neutered pups marking inside the house ect.. and I think it's strange. It took a week and we havent had accidents in 4 days. As long as I get him out in time. I bring him to the door and make him "sit" and he gets the idea already and sits there when he needs to go. Be more worried about the chewing of things.
  • Carmen

    Two is a couple... Three is a crowd... We'll probably add a new puppy or rescue in a few years. Two is enough for now. Unfortunately, corgis are like potato chips, you can't have just one.
  • Megan and Penelope

    Those little pups sure are looking good. Sunday is the big day for us, I'll let you know how it went before you have to make your big drive. It will be 6 hours for us back home since I've finally pinpointed to the city we are meeting in.
  • Megan and Penelope

  • Megan and Penelope

    I think we made two stops. She only got out of the car to potty for the first one though. The second stop was really so my husband and I could switch off who drove and who was with her and to get some supper. Thanks for the comment, she really did awesome for the ride though. I think you'll be okay with the long drive though. Just get ready to play when you get home though!
  • Sam Tsang

    They are adorable!!!
  • Juel

    Both if the boy's are beautiful! that would be a very hard choice! congrats on the new puppy! I have about won my boyfriend over to a corgi, he still isn't completely convinced. he think that a corgi is going to act like poodles "all small dogs are the same". congrats again!
  • FuzzyButt

    Congrats! To morrow is your day!
  • momto3ltlgrlz

    I am so glad that he had a good trip home. He will be so happy to see you today :) Congratulations!
  • Cindi

    Oh my goodness! What an adorable pup! Glad the trip went well. You're going to enjoy him.
  • Nikon

    mmhmm...they are!!! u got bear and i got chief (aka Nikon). how is he doing? last time I saw him, he had his cute floppy ears.
  • Megan and Penelope

    hi, Kuma is soooo cute!!! congrats!
  • Vivian

    I know how you feel. I'm picking up my puppy on Friday June 19th. His name is Harry and he is awsome. Congrats.
  • Nikon

    he is good! the only problem i have is when he gets overexcited he tends to bite feet and run under them. i been trying to teach him to stop. lol
  • Yoshi

    He's so adorable!! I'm glad to hear they are great people, I can't wait to get my baby boy! I'm excited to see someone that has gotten a puppy from the same breeder as me. Well, I'll keep checking your page for updates, love the pictures!
  • Megan and Penelope

    Yeah, I've only had her here for a month. But, she was already 3 months when I got her. She was feeling better as soon as she ate...thanks!
  • Karen & Bailey

    nice! the state capital! haha. I've actually never been to sacramento, probably drove by a couple of times, but never been. I want to go to the state fair! i heard theres lots of deep fried goodies.. LOL. =P

    anyways, yes, Kuma is doing great! same here with bailey. I find "presents" in his enclosed area when i get home that are not on his pad. They don't like stepping in it to do their business.. but the thing is, as they get older, they can hold it longer - which means less presents all over - it will get better with time.

    You're doing great. I had the same new-mommy worries when I got Bailey - and I learned its all very normal and its just him being a puppy! =P
  • Sam

    Lexi, go visit a class there. It sounds like a wonderful environment and a great way to meet other dog folks. Do know that many corgis are the head of their class and learn quickly. You can bet if you start with the lead now you will be miles ahead of many of the others. You can also start asking for a sit at meal times. If your pup has a good appetite get her attention, get her close then slowly raise the bowl and use the command sit. Head comes up, butt goes down and viola! Praise and feed.
  • Steve

    Kuma is a cute name! Love the second pic with one of Kuma's ear still down.
  • Karen & Bailey

    Thanks! and yes! i introduced clothes at an early age. I think the first time i put a shirt on him he was 10 weeks (you can search bailey the corgi on youtube for all our videos).. but anyways! he used to try to bite them off - but now he associates it with good times - i always give him treats when im putting them on, etc - so he sees getting dressed up as a fun time to get ttreats. =P
  • Karen & Bailey

    yea! ist not too late! Kuma is plenty young. =P For sizes - he now wears a large!!!! - cause of his long body. =P But yepp, they're like babies! they grow out of it so fast. But i think for long term purposes, I think Bailey will be a size large. hahha.. i need to stop buying clothing - its now a habit .... i always have to check if anythings on sale in the clothing aisle!
  • Elys

    Hi, Lexi!

    Your little one is very sweet. We rescued Camber in March '08 and she's 6yo...I wish I had known her as a puppy, although it's hard to imagine her being as cute as she is right now! I don't think my heart could stand it! ha ha. I will be posting more pics of Camber today so keep checking my page.
  • Elys

    Dave is a Bernese. I wanted to get video of them running around together, but Camber is camera-shy and would just sit down and turn away whenever the camera came out. Or the cell phone...she's onto those! Their markings were uncannily similar. I hope he comes back and visits with her.
  • momto3ltlgrlz

    Kuma is just so handsome! He is growing up so fast!!
  • Karen & Bailey

    lol! thanks! I'm a bay area anything fan, but I LOVE the giants. =P we're going to their doggie game in 2 weeks! =P Yes, I'd either wait till he gets to adult size - some say 1 year - 18 months, but u can always buy a big one now - who knows as things will just get more and more expensive….,…!
  • Keith, Joanne, and Range

    Your little guy is so cute!! That's funny I was just in Sac for a bday to this place called the Park and we saw a guy walking a Corgi... they're fun!!
  • Karen & Bailey

    Bailey's surgery went really well. As of today, he's doing GREAT! Friday morning I took him in about 7:30am. They let me walk in the back to put him in a cage and I said bye. =*(. Then I just left. She told me to come back at 4, which I did - well more like 3:30! Then went to the back to get him and he was napping. Boy did he look drowsy and passed out. We got home, all he wanted to do was sleep. He looked drugged! He did have an appetite, was thirsty, pooed, peed and even wanted to play (good signs!) but it was just like he didn’t have enough strength to do it all. So basically the first night was REST REST REST. He didn't cry or moan or show any signs of pain (and we didn't bring home pain meds either). He tried to lick down there twice, so I opted to get him a cone just in case. He looks so cute in it. Took me forever to put it on.

    I was surprised he was back to normal so soon. He wants to play play play, but were avoiding dog parks for a week, so this weekend was quite boring. =P

    Lexi meet Lexi. lol Can't go wrong with that name. Your pics of Lexi sleeping on your lap was PRICELESS!
  • Emma

    Hi there. I'm friends with Nikon and his owner just let me know that you have his brother and I have one of the sisters from the litter. She was Tinkerbell, but her name is now Bailey. Kuma is adorable. We loved him when we went to visit Bailey for the first time. Hope all is going well.

    Hello! My name is Michelle and we have a tri colored corgi named Benzo. He is only 1 year old. Benzo has 2 homes. We have one is Hayward, bay Area and here in the Natomas. Hope to meet you guys soon! We met another corgi over at the dog park and her name is Sushi.